Community / Land projects / Sustainable Integrated Land Management Solutions
Sustainable Integrated Land Management Solutions

12/15 - 06/21
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The Swedish Embassy issued a call for proposals on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources with focus on the Agricultural sector. The call was issued in recognition of the fact that agriculture is one of the most important sectors in the economy of Zambia and apart from contributing to, is also highly affected by environmental degradation. SNV submitted a proposal to implement a project called "Sustainable Integrated Land Management Solutions (SILMS)" at a cost of 39 508 017 SEK in Lundazi and Katete districts of the Eastern Province of Zambia for the period 2015 to 2018. The Project proposes a market based approach. SNV views the proposed market approach, and rightly so, as key to the success and sustainability of the project which aims to incentivise smallholders to adopt sustainable production practices through increased income generation. At the same time the approach enables small holders to increase their production in a sustainable manner through increased access to modern farm inputs; extension services; finance and markets. The increased income will incentivise small holder farmers to adopt integrated soil fertility management, agro forestry and deforestation-free production. The increased availability of market-based services enables them to continue to use these sustainable land management practices even after the end of the Project. An overview of results expected from this intervention include: 1. 15,000 Small holder farmers improve productivity using ISFM and Agro forestry practices through increased access to inputs and extension services 2. 20,000 Small holders have increased access to markets and finance to support and sustain their adoption of ISFM and Agro forestry practices 3. Deforestation and damage to land from uncontrolled agricultural expansion in Lundazi and Katete Districts is reduced by 15% 4. The development of nationwide frameworks of practice that will enable wide spread adoption of ISFM and agro forestry practices and replication of the deforestation free supply chain model to other commodities is supported SNV will be the implementer of the project and will manage the grant and oversee the project’s implementation. The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) will be sub-contracted to provide technical expertise to the project. The total budget for technical assistance that will be subcontracted to SEI over the three year period is 304,428 Euro. The budget for ICRAF for technical assistance is 146,130 Euro.