Community / Land projects / Sustainable and Inclusive Agribusiness Project
Sustainable and Inclusive Agribusiness Project

12/13 - 12/19
This project is part of
Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
A technical assistance program will be established to: (i) assist local communities to undertake land rights inventories and planning to identify up to 10,000 ha of land they choose to make available to private commercial agriculture producers, including small-scale producers (about 5,000 hectares in the Ngalam Valley and 5,000 ha around Lac de Guiers); (ii) carry out feasibility studies and elaborate master plans for the development of irrigated perimeters in the selected areas; (iii) assist rural communities in selecting private operators through a transparent and competitive process at village level, and in negotiating commercial agriculture contracts with said private investors which shall include sustained benefits, fair compensation and enforceable rights for the community; (iv) assist rural communities in monitoring investors’ activities to ensure fulfillment of their obligations as per the legally binding contracts that will be negotiated by the communities with private investors; and (v) develop effective dispute resolution mechanisms.