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Understanding the links: land tenure, vulnerability, and climate-led disasters

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Febrero, 2023

Land tenure is a particularly important issue in Asia, a region most prone to natural disasters and the impacts of climate change, and home to the world’s poorest who depend on land for their life and livelihoods.However, public understanding of the links between climate change, disasters, and land tenure is still very limited, even among development organizations.This issue brief is edited fro

Climate Vulnerability Index (Draft)

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Febrero, 2023

Bangladesh is vulnerable to both disasters and climate change and ranked the seventh extreme disaster risk-prone country in the world as per the report from the Global Climate Risk Index 2021. Most development projects in the country address reducing vulnerability to disasters or poverty, and it is well-recorded how local people have their own well-established coping capacities.

Climate Change 2023 Synthesis Report

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Febrero, 2023

This report integrates the main findings of the AR6 Working Group reports58 and the three AR6 Special Reports59. It recognizes the interdependence of climate, ecosystems and biodiversity, and human societies; the value of diverse forms of knowledge; and the close linkages between climate change adaptation, mitigation, ecosystem health, human well-being and sustainable development.

Utiliser le dialogue pour remédier aux conflits fonciers

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Enero, 2023

Au Cameroun, l’augmentation des investissements à grande échelle, dans des secteurs tels que l’agro-industrie, l’exploitation minière et forestière, a entraîné de nombreux transferts de droits fonciers des communautés locales vers les acteurs commerciaux. Mais ces transferts négligent souvent les droits des communautés à la consultation, à l’information et au consentement.

Growing the Field

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2022

Land rights are ascendant across the development sector. Movements addressing women’s empowerment, poverty, social justice, food security and climate change are all increasingly turning to land rights to strengthen their cause. In 2022, renowned philanthropist MacKenzie Scott joined these efforts by making an unprecedented $20 million investment in our work. Ms.

Le foncier rural dans les pays du Sud

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2022
Afrique septentrionale
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Dans les pays du Sud, l’accès à la terre et à ses ressources, son contrôle et ses usages représentent des questions cruciales. Au cœur des défis de la construction de l’État, du développement agricole, de la sécurité alimentaire et de la durabilité environnementale, le foncier est aussi un marqueur identitaire et une source récurrente de conflits.

Climate Smart Governance Dashboard: technical guide

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2022

The Climate-Smart Governance (CSG) Dashboard stands as an innovative platform, providing data on climate-related hazards, vulnerability, climate scenarios, and sector-specific information. Developed as part of the CGIAR initiative on Climate Resilience (ClimBeR), the CSG Dashboard plays a crucial role in supporting nations undertaking the UNFCCC National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process.

CACCI country profile Tajikistan

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2022

Tajikistan, one of the least urbanized countries in Central Asia, is prone to natural disasters, disruptions in rainfall, rising temperatures, reductions in glacial cover, and extreme weather events. Agriculture and energy sectors are the highest emitters of greenhouse gases.

Gap Assessment on Capacity Building in Climate Smart Agriculture and Climate Information Services in Tertiary Institutions in Ghana, Mali And Senegal

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2022

The Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) Project builds on the initiatives and achievements under the CGIAR Research Program on the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) in Africa.

Conflicts between Farmers and Livestock Breeders in Mali: A Review of Dynamics and Issues in the Mopti Region

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2022

The central delta of the Niger is characterized by the coexistence of various production systems sharing water
and land as common elements. These systems have long interacted, complementing and substituting one another through efficient socio-spatial organization.

Mapping of adaptation interventions in Senegal

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2022

The CGIAR Initiative on Climate Resilience is geared towards Building Systemic Resilience against Climate Variability and Extremes in developing countries including Guatemala, Kenya, Morocco, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Senegal, and Zambia. The initiative has four work packages: 1). De-risking agriculture production systems and livelihood from climate change, 2).