Minutes from the 4th UK Land Policy Forum meeting, 26 April 2017
This event, hosted at ODI in London
This event, hosted at ODI in London
Planning of land use by land - is an integral part of the management of land use, which provides a mechanism by which decisions are coordinated among various local, regional and national authorities, and helps implement social responsibilities of public authorities in the use and protection of land and other natural resources.
The organization of land use in different countries is characterized by a variety of land system types, those proved their effectiveness in certain countries, but not are necessarily as effective in others.
The problem of separation (division) of land is one of the traditionally complex and, so far, unsolved problems. First, the problem of separation (division) of land in terms of the scientific approach should be solved using the methods of discrete mathematics, cluster analysis methods, theory-busting and other methods of mathematical statistics.
Getting the maximum economic effect on agricultural lands without environmental performance needs to restore these areas. The main objective of optimum utilization of land resources is a process of territorial organization, in which the need to apply the most effective option to use the whole complex of land resources for the greatest productive potential of agricultural land.
The state of land use, the main problems underlying the provision of legal regulation of agricultural land in terms of establishment and registration restrictions in the use of agricultural land. An improved procedure for the formation and registration of state environmental and technological limitations in the use of land.
Territorial planning now is one of the essential attributes of management activities developed countries. The modern system of planning land- use in Ukraine now is not formed and balanced and does not provide positive results in achieving its high economic efficiency and environmental safety.
In the article the understanding of ecological and economic instruments for biodiversity conservation as a system of market, legal and regulatory, institutional arrangements and policies for sustainable development of land use.
In the paper all the main positive and negative factors in particular the rational use and protection of land are analyzed. The system of common environmental criteria optimization of land use in terms of radiation contamination is presented. The order and sequence of application of common environmental criteria of optimal land use in terms of radiation contamination are determined.
Approaches to the normative monetary evaluation of agricultural lands, adopted by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 23, 1995 No.
The management and evaluation of defense land was revealed in the article. Specific institution is the military institutе in the institutional framework for defense land. A special regime and zoning, evaluation, payment and exclusion conditions were established for these lands.
Poland poddavalsya inventory changes. His origins are taking beginning in late and early vosemnadtsatoho devyatnadtsatoho century, when Polish state zahvatchyky sozdaly The first kadastrovыe otchetы.