Scientific publications, legislation on spatial planning in Ukraine and spatial planning in Austria are analysed.
Scientific publications, legislation on spatial planning in Ukraine and spatial planning in Austria are analysed.
InUkraine, as in many other countries, developing land degradation is a serious problem. So, despite the fact that the scale of the problem indicated in the Strategy of Environmental Policy of Ukraine (2011), analysis of economic losses from land degradation to the national economy throughout the country almost was conducted.
In article deals with problem of using the urban land, including land under the industrial objects in Kiev. Also was analysed the ways of optimization the urban land using.
In recent debates on museum management, focus has been placed on the subject of its proactive nature, and on the comparison with the overall strategies of local governments within shared decision-making processes and negotiations, while maintaining the cultural mission and autonomy of the goals of management performance.
L’evoluzione della disciplina urbanistica ha visto emergere progressivamente modelli fondati su una netta separazione tra la fase della conoscenza e quella delle scelte, con un ruolo sempre più determinante per un terzo passaggio, la valutazione, quale raccordo critico tra le due.
The aim of this work is to provide a simple overview on crowdfunding with a focus on its potential application to the real estate market.
Un processo di aiuto alla decisione dovrebbe essere il risultato dell’interazione tra analisti, decisori e attori. A volte, quando la situazione problematica è nuova e non esiste ancora un sistema
The analysis and better understanding of the distribution of wealth of individuals in cities can
be a precious tool, especially in support of the estimation of real estate values. These analyses can also
be used to facilitate decision making in various sectors, such as public administration or the real estate
A decision aid process should be the result of an interaction between analysts, decision makers and stakeholders. Decision aiding is sometimes required when the problem situation is new and a formal decision system does not exist. Its role becomes that of facilitating the Intelligence phase of a decision process.
Questo articolo presenta una panoramica del crowdfunding e delle sue potenziali applicazioni al settore immobiliare. La crisi economica globale del 2008 ha condotto a una paralisi dell’economia che ha comportato la riduzione della fiducia nel sistema bancario e nei servizi finanziari in generale.
The evolution of urban planning has seen gradually emerging models based on a clear separation between the phase of knowledge and that of choices, with an increasing role for a third step, evaluation, as a link between the two. Recently, the increased focus on the issue of land use has transformed the monitoring tools in the objectives of government land policies.
Nei recenti dibattiti sul management museale è posta centralità al tema della sua natura proattiva e di confronto con le strategie complessive dei governi locali all’interno di processi decisionali condivisi e negoziati, pur mantenendo la mission culturale e l’autonomia negli obiettivi di performance gestionale.