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Equidad de género en el acceso a la tierra

women, marital
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África oriental

This basic piece of legislation sets out principles and lays the foundations for laws relative to land tenure and administration of rural land are to be enacted by Regional Councils in respect of each Region of Ethiopia and in accordance with the present Proclamation, laws on environmental protection and land utilization policies.

Políticas Nacionales
África oriental

The National Environment Policy (NEP) is a multi-sectoral instrument whose vision is to reach environmental sustainability for the Republic of Mauritius and to ensure a clean and healthy environment.

Informes e investigaciones

The 2008 report by ActionAid suggests that, since women and girls are overrepresented among poor and excluded people, the food crisis is having a particularly harsh impact on them.  According to the FAO, even before the current crisis women made up 60% of the chronically hungry.

Políticas Nacionales
África occidental

Conformément aux recommandations du Cadre Stratégique de Lutte Contre la Pauvreté (CSLP), la Mauritanie a élaboré la stratégie nationale de sécurité alimentaire aux horizons 2015 et vision 2030, à travers une approche inclusive et participative.

Nueva Zelandia

This Act concerns the government of Samoa. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Act, or in any rule of law, or in any lease, it shall not be lawful for any person to distrain for rent. The only other provision of this Act concerns legal capacity and status of married women.

Políticas Nacionales
África septentrional

Le Programme d’Action National de Lutte contre la Désertification est un instrument à portée nationale qui a pour objectifs de lutter contre la désertification et d’atténuer les effets de la sécheresse dans les milieux semi-arides de la Tunisie septentrionale et des milieux arides de la Tunisie Centrale et Méridionale, et ce, grâce à des mesures efficaces prises à tous les niveaux dans le cadre

América del Sur

Mediante la presente Resolución se aprueba el Plan de Apoyo a Pequeños y Medianos Productores, que ejecutará la Subsecretaría de Desarrollo Rural y Agricultura Familiar.

Asia meridional

The Act, consisting of 19 articles, amends some Nepal Acts in order to maintain gender equality having made timely amendment to the discriminatory provisions between women and men in the prevailing Nepal laws. It specifies that: Article 2 [5] states that “the unmarried girl, married women or a widow living separately may enjoy the movable and immovable property on her own” (22).

Políticas Nacionales
América del Sur

El presente documento tiene por objeto el Plan Nacional de Políticas Públicas para el Ejercicio Pleno de los Derechos de las Mujeres, de carácter multisectorial y alcance nacional, relativo al período 2004-2007. El Plan busca disminuir las brechas de inequidad de género en los ámbitos económico, social, político y cultural.

Políticas Nacionales
Asia meridional

4.1 The Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS) will guide the agricultural sector of Nepal over the next 20 years. The structure of the agricultural sector is expected to change considerably with agribusiness to grow faster.

Últimas noticias

1 Junio 2020

Los objetivos de desarrollo sustentable (SDG, por sus siglas en inglés) 1.4.2 y 5.A.1 hacen referencia al fortalecimiento de los derechos a la tierra y a la propiedad de la mujer como un elemento fundamental para la reducción de la pobreza y su empoderamiento.

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