Background to Human-Wildlife conflicts in Kenya
Wildlife is one of Kenya’s greatest natural resource and is the foundation upon which nature-based tourism is based.
Wildlife is one of Kenya’s greatest natural resource and is the foundation upon which nature-based tourism is based.
This report synthesizes the findings from field research on land and natural resource tenure in 11 administrative clan units (henceforth referred to as „clans‟) in Liberia, including Ding, Dobli, Gbanshay, Little Kola, Mana, Motor Road, Saykleken, Tengia, Upper Workor, Ylan, and the community of Nitrian.
Land is serving as a basis for the production of food, feed, fibres, wood, bio-energy, for biodiversity, recreation and many other goods and services ecosystems provide. Additional to that, land can also be used for infrastructure, houses etc., making no direct use of natural resources, but of the physical land structure.
Ten IDRC-supported community forestry projects in six countries were selected for this synthesis study. A sizable part of the rural population in these countries are designated as ‘encroachers’ or ‘trespassers’ in the ‘forest.’ Many of these forest users claim long standing customary rights to the area, some of which are formally recognized in state law, but seldom in practice.
The conceptual difference between conventional scientific and natural resource management (NRM) research is based on the need for researchers and the NRM community to be joint learning partners in the process. “Managing Natural Resources for Development in Africa” is a collective endeavour to reframe, filter and contextualize some of the main concepts, theories and practices of NRM.
Les sécheresses des années 1970-1980 et le réchauffement climatique attirent l’attention médiatique sur les risques de disparition du lac Tchad. Alors que la plupart des avis scientifiques contestent cette vision pessimiste, nous proposons ici d’étudier la dynamique des relations entre N’Djaména, capitale sahélienne de plus d’un million
This paper looks at how recent economic and legal changes have affected pasture management and property rights in Tajikistan. Firstly, current trends in livestock numbers and mobility are compared with those of the Soviet period. Secondly, the impact of current land legislation is investigated using 2007 field data from two sites in the Gorno-Badakhshan region of the country.
Au Mali, au début des années 1990, la décentralisation fut d’abord un acte politique permettant de proposer une solution viable au problème de la rébellion touarègue.
The Land Matrix is an independent land monitoring initiative that promotes transparency and accountability around large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) in low- and middle-income countries across the world.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and agricultural decollectivisation, post-socialist rural contexts have afforded commons scholars particularly fertile ground for examination of institutional change and evolution under new modes of governance.
La présente loi détermine le régime de conservation et de gestion durable des forêts, de la faune et des ressources halieutiques, conformément aux dispositions pertinentes de la Constitution et aux principes énoncés par la loi N°14/PR/98 du 17 Août 1998, définissant les principes généraux de la protection de l’environnement.