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Report of the high-level regional conference on land and conflict in the East and Horn of Africa

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2021

This is a summary of the deliberations, emerging issues and action points from the high-level regional conference on land and conflict in the East and Horn of Africa. The objective of the Conference was to facilitate the development of a regional agenda and national policy priorities in land conflict and governance in the region.

Understanding systemic land use dynamics in conflict-affected territories: The cases of Cesar and Caquetá, Colombia

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2021

In the Colombian context, disputes over natural resources, mainly over land, and poor governance are intertwined with armed conflict. Although efforts to address this situation, including the 2016 peace agreement signed between Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC, by Spanish acronym) are underway, these disputes continue, affecting land use dynamics.

Diagnosing the performance of food systems to increase accountability toward healthy diets and environmental sustainability

LandLibrary Resource
Diciembre, 2021

To reorient food systems to ensure they deliver healthy diets that protect against multiple forms of malnutrition and diet-related disease and safeguard the environment, ecosystems, and natural resources, there is a need for better governance and accountability. However, decision-makers are often in the dark on how to navigate their food systems to achieve these multiple outcomes.

La situación de tierras, territorios y recursos naturales de los pueblos indígenas en la Amazonía peruana

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Noviembre, 2021
South America

Compilación de diversos artículos sobre la situación de las tierras, los territorios y los recursos naturales en la Amazonía peruana. Incluye perspectivas históricas, antropológicas, datos básicos sobre normas e instituciones, así como valiosos análisis sobre los desafíos actuales de la titulación de las comunidades nativas en las regiones de Ucayali y San Martín. 


Large-scale Land Acquisition in Africa: Impacts;Conflicts and Human Rights Violations. The Case of Socfin in Sierra Leone

LandLibrary Resource
Noviembre, 2021
Sierra Leone

Describes the efforts of Zambian traditional leaders to promote gender equality in the management of land and natural resources at the national level. Developed a tool to address knowledge gaps and provide practical guidance on promoting gender equality in the chiefdoms in the areas of land;forestry;wildlife;water;fisheries;and minerals.

The State of the World’s Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture – Systems at breaking point (SOLAW 2021)

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2021

Satisfying the changing food habits and increased demand for food intensifies pressure on the world’s water, land and soil resources. However, agriculture bears great promise to alleviate these pressures and provide multiple opportunities to contribute to global goals.

El estado de los recursos de tierras y aguas del mundo para la alimentación y la agricultura - Sistemas al límite

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2021

Los recursos de aguas, tierras y suelos del mundo están sometidos a presiones debido a que deben satisfacer la mayor demanda de alimentos. La agricultura reviste importancia para mitigar estas presiones y contribuir positivamente a los objetivos relacionados con el clima y el desarrollo.

L’État des ressources en terres et en eau pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture dans le monde - Des systèmes au bord de la rupture

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Octubre, 2021

La réponse à la demande accrue de produits alimentaires accentue la pression exercée au niveau mondial sur les ressources que sont les eaux, les terres et les sols. L’agriculture a un rôle à jouer dans l’allégement de cette pression et dans la concrétisation des objectifs en matière de climat et de développement.