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Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo 2021

The spatial distribution of potentially toxic elements in land near a heavily loaded highway in the West Attica region (Greece) is discussed. This study aimed to investigate the extent of soil contamination with trace elements on land in the margin of highways. The concentration of thirty-five…

Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo 2021

This research was conducted on an area of inland sands characterised by various degrees of overgrowth by vegetation and soil stabilisation. This landscape’s origin is not natural but is connected to human industrial activities dating from early medieval times, which created a powerful centre for…

Peer-reviewed publication
Octubre 2020

The purpose of this study is the evaluation of fire effect on contaminated land and the assessment of the associated risk of human health and terrestrial ecological receptors. Ash and soil samples were gathered from burned and unburned areas (central Evia, Greece) which are adjacent with a…

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre 2002

Temperate broad-leaved trees grow in different ecosystems in the northern and southern hemispheres, but are also found extensively in many tropical and subtropical mountain areas. A wide range of non-wood forest products derived from temperate broad-leaved trees, and their description is…