Community / Land projects / Increase the use of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Fo
Increase the use of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Fo

08/14 - 12/17
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Implementing Organisations
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Summary: This project under the overall umbrella of the VGGT will serve to develop the capacity of stakeholders to implement improvements to tenure arrangements and thereby promote food security and sustainable development. The project is implemented in 19 countries, namely Malawi, Niger, Senegal, South Africa, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Mauritania, Mali, Uganda, Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire; Myanmar, Nepal, Mongolia, Philippines, Indonesia; Kyrgyzstan; Guatemala, Colombia. Improving transparent, equitable, secure access to and control over land, fisheries and forests and protecting the legitimate tenure rights, whether formal or informal, of millions of poor and insecure people, is a critical part of improving food security. The project contributes to this objective through fostering increased understanding on the VGGT use among CSOs and grass roots organizations to boost their contribution to the multi-stakeholder platforms and other tenure-related ongoing processes at country level and strengthening the partnerships for the wider application and implementation of the VGGT at all levels. The project has produced a capacity development manual for CSOs "Putting the Voluntary Guidelines on Tenure into Practice: A Learning Guide for Civil Society Organizations" written in partnership with FIAN International as coordinating the Land and Territory Working Group of the International Planning Commiteee for Food Sovereignty (IPC).