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L’accès au foncier sécurisé des femmes rurales du Tchad

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Septembre, 2023

L’économie tchadienne, à l’instar de beaucoup de pays d’Afrique subsaharienne, repose fondamentalement sur le secteur primaire (agriculture et élevage) qui fait vivre 80% de la population tchadienne (Kaou, 2002). Dans les zones rurales, sur les 78% de la population active, 53,9% est constitué par des femmes (FAO et CEEAC, 2021). Selon Oxfam et al.

Forest tenure pathways to gender equality: A practitioner’s guide

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Décembre, 2020

This practitioner’s guide explains how to promote gender-responsive forest tenure reform in community-based forest regimes. It is aimed at those taking up this challenge in developing countries. There is no one single approach to reforming forest tenure practices for achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment.

GLTN Gender Strategy (2019–2030): Towards Securing Women’s and Girls’ Land and Property Rights

LandLibrary Resource
Training Resources & Tools
Octobre, 2019

The GLTN Gender Strategy (2019-2030) provides a framework for designing land tenure and governance interventions around women’s and girls’ land and property rights. It affirms our commitment and motivates our partners to do more to secure land and property rights for women and girls.

Land Corruption in Africa in 3 Topics

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Août, 2019

From July 17 to August 7, 2019, the Land Portal Foundation, the African Land Policy Center, GIZ and Transparency International Chapters in Ghana, Kenya and Uganda co-facilitated the dialogue Land Corruption in Africa addressing the role of traditional leaders in customary land administration, forced evictions as a form of land corruption and its Impact on women’s land rights and an analysis of


LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Juillet, 2019

Women’s rights to land remain a contested issue in Kenya despite the acceptance of the principle of equality of the genders in law. The 2010 Constitution of Kenya clearly provides for the principles of equality and non-discrimination at Article 27. Moreover, in the land policy principles and the national values and principles of governance, gender equality is included.

Gender Imperatives of Land Reform in Kenya

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Avril, 2019

The webinar on the Gender Imperatives of Land Reforms in Kenya took place on 23 April, 2019.

This webinar featured key experts involved in promoting and working towards the gender imperatives of land reforms in Kenya. It was co-hosted by the European Union, the Government of Kenya, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Land Portal Foundation.

Women Inheriting Land: Rights and Realities

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Février, 2019

The webinar on Women Inheriting Land: Rights and Realities took place on 22 February, 2019.

The objective of this webinar was to discuss the significance of owning land through inheritance, the challenges that prevent women from inheriting land, the opportunities offered through the best practices and the possible actions that can be taken at different levels.