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Analysis of Gaps Between National Legislation of Georgia and World Bank Environmental and Social Framework

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Mai, 2020

Over the last two decades, Georgia has made impressive progress in economic growth and reforms. These advancements have also brought about an increase in investments and infrastructure as well as in service sectors, such as tourism, that provide a potential for future growth and welfare.

Lamulo la Malo a Makolo 2016

LandLibrary Resource
Manuals & Guidelines
Février, 2020

Msonkhano Wodziwitsa Atsogoleri a ma Dipatimenti ndi Mabungwe a pa Boma

Mamembala a nthambi yoyendetsa chitukuko pa Boma ayenera kudziwa za lamulo la malo a makolo koyambirira kuti asankhe dera lomwe angakayambire ntchito zokhudza lamuloli.

Msonkhano Wodziwitsa Makomiti a ADC, VDC ndi Magulu a m’madera za Lamulo la Malo a Makolo

Reconstruction of China’s Farmland Rights System Based on the ‘Trifurcation of Land Rights’ Reform

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Janvier, 2020

With the aim of improving farmland use efficiency without damaging the social function of farmland, Chinese policymakers have proposed the ‘trifurcation of land rights’ reform. When it comes to realization of the law, however, neither the Ownership Model nor the Bundle of Sticks Model can adequately explain this reform.

Loi N° 037/2018 du 10/06/2019 portant réglementation du secteur minier

LandLibrary Resource
Legislation & Policies
Août, 2019

La présente loi s'applique à l'ensemble des activités ou opérations minières, notamment à la prospection, à la recherche, à l'évaluation, au développement, à la construction des infrastructures minières, à l'exploitation, à l'extraction, au traitement, à la production, à la transformation, au stockage, à l'exportation, à l'importation, au transport, à la commercialisation des substances minéral

Panorama de la Agricultura Chilena

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Juin, 2019

Para poder adaptarse a mercados domésticos y externos cada vez más exigentes, el Ministerio de Agricultura de Chile ha ampliado su acción desde, exclusivamente, las políticas sectoriales agrícolas a la coordinación de acciones con otros ministerios en el espacio rural, reconociendo el impacto de la actividad agrícola en las personas y en el medio ambiente.

Procedures, Practices and Issues Related to Leasing of Land for Large Scale Agricultural Investments

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Mai, 2019

Large-scale agricultural investments (LSAI) in Ethiopia are expected to provide input for the processing industry and to bring foreign currency as well as technology transfer to the country, while the local communities will benefit from employment and infrastructure improvements related to these investments.