Reducing Informal Urban Expansion by Engaging Rural Councils in Land Pooling and Subdivision
Improving housing in informal settlements: assessing the impacts in human development
Highlights the impact of large-scale housing improvements in a country, enabling everyone living in informal settlements to have equitable access to adequate housing.
Acquisition Of Land In Flood Risk Informal Setlements In Dar Es Salaam: Choices And Compromises
Context and background Residing in areas of flood risk informal settlements is more or less normal among low-income households in most cities of the developing countries.
Informal Settlement And Development Control Dynamics In Tanzania: Case Of Osunyai Ward Arusha
Context and background Despite steps implemented by Local Government Authorities to guarantee appropriate urban land development, individuals in informal settlements are developing in violation of laws, rules, and norms. Millions of individuals have grabbed property and constructed temporary houses to gain a footing in cities, in violation of law and ownership rights.
Piloting the Climate Security Sensitiveness Scoring Tool (CSST). A case study assessing the climate security sensitiveness of Participatory Rangeland Management (PRM) in Baringo, Kenya
Climate adaptation interventions, such as programs promoting climate-smart agricultural innovations, are proving effective in increasing farmer resilience as well as food and nutrition security (Mizik, 2021; Thornton et al., 2022).
Leaving no one behind: a photovoice case study on vulnerability and wellbeing of children heading households in two informal settlements in Nairobi
Children heading households (CHH) in urban informal settlements face specific vulnerabilities shaped by limitations on their opportunities and capabilities within the context of urban inequities, which affect their wellbeing.
The shifting contours of property: rights, limitations and obligations
Law, Property and Disasters
This book re-considers property law for a future of environmental disruption.
Les conflits fonciers et leur résolution à l’échelle locale dans un contexte de marchandisation de la terre
Les conflits fonciers et leur résolution à l’échelle locale dans un contexte de marchandisation de la terre. Une étude de cas dans les Hautes Terres à Madagascar.
Informal Land Rights and Infrastructure Retrofit: A Typology of Land Rights in Informal Settlements
Informal settlements represent a challenging operational context for local government service providers due to precarious contextual conditions. Location choice and land procurement for public infrastructure raise the complicated question: who has the right to occupy, control, and use a piece of land in informal settlements?