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Situação da informação fundiária em Moçambique

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Décembre, 2023

Em Moçambique, a lei reconhece certas formas de ocupação que constituem posse legal e os(as) cidadãos(ãs) podem reivindicar esse reconhecimento de seu direito de ocupar e usar a terra alocada por meio de normas/práticas costumeiras. As comunidades locais também podem reivindicar direitos sobre a terra que costumam ocupar, usar e administrar.

State of Land Information in Madagascar

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Septembre, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

Executive Summary: State of Land Information in Madagascar

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Septembre, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

The role of metadata and open data in the innovation cycle of land administration

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Mars, 2023

This publication discusses the importance of open data as a tool for inclusive land governance. It introduces and describes open data, land governance functions, and metadata. It provides an in-depth looks at AGROVOC, the controlled vocabulary about agriculture and related sciences coordinated by FAO for more than 40 years, and LandVoc, a sub-vocabulary dedicated to the land sector.

Land Portal Annual Report 2022

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Février, 2023

The Land Portal Foundation's 2022 Annual Report highlights the critical role of accessible land information and data in securing land rights and promoting social justice. The report highlights the growing recognition of the linkages between land tenure, climate change, food security, urban development and land degradation.