Globally, according to FRA 2000, planted forests accounted for only 5% of forest area, but up to 35% of industrial roundwood supply. This is anticipated to rise to 40-44% by 2020. Planted forests reflect a higher social, environmental and economic importance than their area would suggest. Many…
This is the 19th of a series of Working Papers prepared for the Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative (PPLPI). The purpose of these papers is to explore issues related to livestock development in the context of poverty alleviation. Livestock is vital to the economies of many developing countries…
The current volume presents the Proceedings of an important meeting entitled "Regional Expert Consultation on Land Degradation, Plant, Animal and Human Nutrition: Inter-relation and Impact". This scientific gathering managed to have a group of soil scientists/plant nutrition…
La présente publication émane d'une demande du Directeur général de la FAO visant à rassembler un large éventail de statistiques dans les domaines de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture en indiquant, le cas échéant, les différences entre pays développés et en développement, entre…
This paper examines the existing and potential connections between rural people and forests in the Kyrgyz Republic, with the aim of developing an improved understanding of the role and potential role of the forestry sector in poverty reduction.1 While the paper focuses on Kyrgyzstan, the wider…
A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.
The global reproduction of food, notably cereal crops, appears to have been remarkably resilient to the vagaries of climate. The unsung hero in this production chain may well be groundwater. When rainfed agriculture fails, the fallback is usually groundwater. First it is accessed to smooth over…
This document contains the proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Land Resources Information Systems (LRIS) in the Near East, held in Cairo from 3 to 7 September 2001. The meeting was organized by FAO Land and Water Development Division (AGL) and the Near East Regional Office, in collaboration…
A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.
Meeting symbol/code: NEFC 2000 2