urban areas related Unknown content type | Land Portal
There are 3,562 content items of different types and languages related to urban areas on the Land Portal.

urban areas

Urban areas as defined by the Census Bureau are densely-populated areas with at least 50,000 people ("urbanized areas") and densely-populated areas with 2,500 to 50,000 people ("urban clusters").

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La Federación Uruguaya de Cooperativas por Ayuda Mutua (FUCVAM) es una organización gremial de segundo grado, nacida en 1970. Con la finalidad, de fortalecer el derecho a la vivienda, esta gremial agrupa cooperativas bajo la consigna de ser usuarios, ayuda mutua y propiedad colectiva. 

African Cities Journal aspires to gather existing and future knowledge in the field of urban spaces in Africa through original research articles, as well as more prospective endeavours of theory and methodology. 

Ministry of Urban Development and Land

Reforming of the legal and organizational structures of government departments, for the purpose to develop relevant measures and to achieve a desirable situation is considered as one of the basic methods for reform of the administrative system, which provides ground for success in providing better services for the public of the country. With regard to such policies, ex Ministry of Urban Development and Housing - MUDH and ex Afghanistan Land Authority – ARAZI, has been merged on the bases of presidential decree no.

Environment and Urbanization (E&U) seeks to advance a more socially just and environmentally sustainable urban world through the provision of knowledge. Our focus is the global South, where an estimated one in three of the urban population live in informal settlements and where more than half work within the informal economy. UN projections suggest that almost all the world’s growth in population in the next few decades will be in urban centres in the Global South.
Area Development and Policy

Area Development and Policy (ADP) aims to be a world class journal publishing original academic research examining the economic, political, cultural and geographical contexts which play a fundamental role in shaping and developing regions, cities, rural areas and the relationships between them. ADP concentrates on issues relating to the Greater BRICS and welcomes submissions emerging from these countries as well from the developed world.

Journal of Architecture and Planning

The Architectural Institute of Japan’s Journal of Architecture and Planning aim to pursue theories for building and maintaining pieces of architecture as well as the cities or areas surrounding them, and to accumulate and systematize the knowledge needed to put those theories into practice.

URBAN DESIGN International
  • An international forum for discussion and debate over issues of urban design and management
  • Stands as a trustworthy source of information on issues of urban design and management, for researchers, urban designers, architects, planners, landscape architects, developers and others
  • Presents original articles, reviews, books and expert commentary
Centre for Liveable Cities Singapore

The Centre distills key learning points from Singapore’s urban development journey since its independence in 1965, while creating knowledge to address emerging urban challenges. It shares this knowledge with local and international urban leaders, with the aim of positioning Singapore as a global hub for urban solutions. The Centre’s work spans four main areas:


The Centre focuses on two key research questions: 

Journal of Regional and City Planning

Journal of Regional and City Planning or JRCP is a tri-annual open access journal mainly focusing on urban and regional studies and planning in transitional, developing and emerging economies. JRCP covers topics related to the sciences, analytics, development, intervention, and design of communities, cities, and regions including their physical, spatial, technological, economic, social and political environments.

The Knowledge Exchange is a response to an identified need for increased information exchange in the Southern African region. It has been developed as a broad collaboration of partners, with the CSIR acting as the custodian.





African Cities Journal aspires to gather existing and future knowledge in the field of urban spaces in Africa through original research articles, as well as more prospective endeavours of theory and methodology. 

Area Development and Policy

Area Development and Policy (ADP) aims to be a world class journal publishing original academic research examining the economic, political, cultural and geographical contexts which play a fundamental role in shaping and developing regions, cities, rural areas and the relationships between them. ADP concentrates on issues relating to the Greater BRICS and welcomes submissions emerging from these countries as well from the developed world.

Articulo – Journal of Urban Research logo

Articulo – Journal of Urban Research is a peer-reviewed online journal devoted to the exploration of urban issues through the lens of a wide range of social science approaches. The Journal embraces a multidisciplinary perspective on the transformation of social, environmental and economic issues of cities and city regions. Publishing both theoretical and empirical articles, the Journal is an international forum that brings together academics and practitioners working on urban issues in cities around the world to present ground breaking and relevant research.

Centre for Liveable Cities Singapore

The Centre distills key learning points from Singapore’s urban development journey since its independence in 1965, while creating knowledge to address emerging urban challenges. It shares this knowledge with local and international urban leaders, with the aim of positioning Singapore as a global hub for urban solutions. The Centre’s work spans four main areas:


The Centre focuses on two key research questions: 

O Centro Popular de Direitos Humanos se constitui em um coletivo de Advogados Militantes Populares que tem como objetivo atuar na assessoria jurídica popular junto a movimentos sociais, comunidades e segmentos que sofram violações de direitos.

Environment and Urbanization (E&U) seeks to advance a more socially just and environmentally sustainable urban world through the provision of knowledge. Our focus is the global South, where an estimated one in three of the urban population live in informal settlements and where more than half work within the informal economy. UN projections suggest that almost all the world’s growth in population in the next few decades will be in urban centres in the Global South.

O Espaço Feminista do Nordeste para a Democracia e Direitos Humanos é uma associação civil de direito privado, sem fins lucrativos, não partidária. O Espaço Feminista é uma organização não governamental feminista sediada em Recife, capital do estado de Pernambuco.

A FASE – Federação de Órgãos para Assistência Social e Educacional – foi fundada em 1961. É uma organização não governamental, sem fins lucrativos, que atua hoje em seis estados brasileiros e tem sua sede nacional no Rio de Janeiro. Desde suas origens, esteve comprometida com o trabalho de organização e desenvolvimento local, comunitário e associativo.

La Federación Uruguaya de Cooperativas por Ayuda Mutua (FUCVAM) es una organización gremial de segundo grado, nacida en 1970. Con la finalidad, de fortalecer el derecho a la vivienda, esta gremial agrupa cooperativas bajo la consigna de ser usuarios, ayuda mutua y propiedad colectiva. 




Focus on Land in Africa (FOLA) is an educational resource for development practitioners and policy makers that explores how land and natural resource rights affect, and are effected by, development in Africa.  Through raising awareness of these issues, FOLA aims to elevate land and natural resource rights as an urgent priority for development in Africa. 

A Fundação Centro de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos Bento Rubião (FCDDHBR), com sede no Rio de Janeiro, é uma organização não-governamental sem fins lucrativos que visa a redução das desigualdades sociais e atende grupos populacionais que têm seus direitos humanos violados por causa de sua condição étnico-racial, socioeconômica ou de gênero. Tem como objetivo maior empoderá-los, tendo em vista sua missão institucional, a qual, além da defesa dos direitos humanos, inclui o apoio à luta e organização popular em busca do autodesenvolvimento.

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