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There are 1, 264 content items of different types and languages related to natural disasters on the Land Portal.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 16

Regional Learnig and Advocacy Programme (REGLAP)

The Regional Learning and Advocacy Programme or REGLAP (which was known previously as the Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Advocacy Project) is funded by ECHO (European Commission Humanitarian Office) and aims to reduce the vulnerability of pastoral communities through policy and practice change in the Horn and East Africa.

REGLAP also seeks to promote the integration of humanitarian assistance with development interventions through disaster risk reduction (DRR) among governments, donors and national and international CSOs (civil society organisations).


ReliefWeb is a specialized digital service of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

We provide reliable disaster and crisis updates and analysis to humanitarians, so they can make informed decisions and plan effective assistance.

Our editorial insight, combined with access to the latest technology,allows us to provide innovative, reliable and informative products and services on a continuous, global basis.

United Nations Development Programme


UNDP works in some 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results. 

Practical Action


Practical Action is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) that uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries.

We find out what people are doing and help them to do it better. Through technology we enable poor communities to build on their skills and knowledge to produce sustainable and practical solutions- transforming their lives forever and protecting the world around them.



O Imazon é um instituto de pesquisa cuja missão é promover o desenvolvimento sustentável na Amazônia por meio de estudos, apoio à formulação de políticas públicas, disseminação ampla de informações e formação profissional. O Instituto foi fundado em 1990, e sua sede fica em Belém, no Pará. Em 25 anos de existência, o Imazon publicou 648 trabalhos técnicos, dos quais quase um terço foram veiculados como artigos em revistas científicas internacionais.

Greenpeace Brasil

O Greenpeace chegou ao Brasil no mesmo ano em que o país abrigou a primeira e mais importante conferência ambiental da História, a Eco-92.

O protesto que marca a fundação da organização por aqui foi uma ação contra a usina nuclear de Angra. Chegando por mar, ao bordo do navio Rainbow Warrior, os ativistas fixaram 800 cruzes no pátio da usina, simbolizando o número de mortos no acidente de Chernobyl.

Indo-Global Social Service Society


Indo-Global Social Service Society (IGSSS) is a non-profit organisation working with the mandate for a humane social order based on truth, justice, freedom and equity. Established in 1960, IGSSS works for development, capacity building and enlightenment of the vulnerable communities across the country for their effective participation in development.

Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery


The Consultative Group (CG) is GFDRR’s primary decision-making and advisory body.

The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) is a global partnership program administered by the World Bank Group. GFDRR supports developing countries to: (i) mainstream disaster risk management and climate change adaptation in development strategies and investment programs, and (ii) improve the quality and timeliness of resilient recovery and reconstruction following a disaster.

Care International

Vision and Mission
A global leader within a worldwide movement dedicated to saving lives and ending poverty
Our Vision

We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live in dignity and security.

Regional Centre for Development Cooperation


Based in one of India’s least ‘developed’ states, we address environment and people-centred issues - from forest, water and land rights, livelihoods and mining issues, to climate change and disaster risk reduction. Our proactive and informed approach has brought RCDC acclaim and transformed lives in Odisha. Our grassroots interventions, research and expertise all inform our policy-level work, where we raise the debate and influence key decision-making in order to benefit our communities.

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