Indigenous & Community Land Rights related Blog post | Land Portal
Displaying 13 - 24 of 225
People listen to me now
13 October 2023

Gender and land champion Rosa shares her pride in being able to help her pastoralist community resolve difficult land disputes.

So much has changed since I became a gender and land champion
29 September 2023

Traditional Maasai leader Milya shares how confident he has become in defending women's land rights after training as a gender and land champion.

Unknowing abuse
19 September 2023

Tuya describes her decision to take action on GBV in her Mongolian herding community after becoming a gender and land champion.

18 September 2023
Latin America and the Caribbean

Under the umbrella of the Land Dialogues series, the third webinar of this year’s series “Carbon markets and Indigenous lands : The importance of free, prior and informed consent” took place on September 14th, 2023. The webinar drew in a little under 500 participants and featured panelists from Indigenous leaders to academics. The series is organized by a consortium of organizations, including the Land Portal Foundation, the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the Ford Foundation and the Tenure Facility.  

31 August 2023
Latin America and the Caribbean

Casi tres décadas atrás, el 9 de agosto fue designado como el Día Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas. En América Latina, aunque se han logrado avances en el ámbito legal en cuanto a la garantía de sus derechos, basta ver un poco más allá para encontrar serias paradojas que nos obligan a levantar la voz antes que a celebrar el día.

5 September 2023
Linda Engström

Blogpost about the book “Power, Knowledge, Land – Contested Ontologies of Land and Its Governance in Africa” 2022 by Laura A. German. University of Michigan Press.

By Linda Engström, Researcher, Division of Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.      

Mongolia needs fewer cows for better pastureland
5 September 2023

Odgerel describes the changes he is making to tackle land degradation in his herding community since becoming a gender and land champion.

We now have the knowledge to control mining and save our livelihoods
31 August 2023

P. Purevdolgor describes the impact of becoming a gender and land champion in her Mongolian herding community.

Долоон жилийн төсөл эхэлж байхад
16 August 2023
Narangerel Yansanjav
Central Asia

Хүн Төвтэй Байгаль Хамгаалал байгууллагын үйл ажиллагааны нэг чиглэл нь  малчдын, ялангуяа уул уурхайн нөлөөнд өртсөн малчин өрхийн жендэрийн асуудал юм.  Тиймээс ч бид 7 жилийн өмнө Эмэгтэйчүүдийн газар эдэлбэрийн эрхийн баталгаат байдал (ЭГЭЭББ) олон улсын төсөл д нэгдэн орсон. 

Wasaidizi wa jinsia na ardhi wanaweza kusaidia
16 August 2023
Joyce Ndakaru
Eastern Africa

Jamii nyingi za vijijini nchini Tanzania zina changamoto zinazofanana  kutokana na makampuni ya uchimbaji madini na wawekezaji. Nimejionea jinsi wanaume na wanawake ambao ni wasaidizi wa jinsia na ardhi wanavyoweza kusaidia.

Indigenous women in Davao City, Philippines. Photo by Bro. Jeffrey Pioquinto, SJ/Flickr
9 August 2023
Ms. Amy Coughenour Betancourt

Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IP & LCs) collectively manage a staggering 50% of
the world’s land
and hold 80% of the world’s biodiversity and 22% of the world’s total carbon in
forests. Yet, shockingly, only 10% of their lands are legally recognized and protected.

Confident Gender and Land Champions
11 July 2023
Dr. Elizabeth Daley

Rather than scaling up, I think we should be talking about scaling out and scaling over time when it comes to inclusive, community-led land governance.






Em meados dos 70, pesquisadores científicos dos institutos de pesquisa ligados ás secretarias de Estado da Agricultura, Méio Ambiente e Saúde reuniram-se no auditório do Instituto Biológico, em São Paulo, com o objetivo de fundar a sua Associação de classe. Após inúmeros encontros, em 2 de Agosto de 1977 foi criada a Associação de Pesquisadores Científicos do Estado de São Paulo (APqc), tendo como objetivos a divulgação, o fortalecimento e a defesa dos institutos públicos de pesquisa paulistas, das atividades de pesquisa e de pesquisadores científicos ativos e inativos. 


Established in 1991, AAKAR Books is a publishing company, started publishing quality scholarly books in Social Sciences in English and Hindi since 2001 and is now a niche for itself. Aakar Books is reputed for quality scholarly publishing in the field of Social Sciences.

Acta Scientiarum

A revista publica artigos originais em todas as áreas relevantes da Filosofia e das ciências sociais, abordando tanto temas tradicionais quanto emergentes e, também, artigos localizados na interface com outras áreas de conhecimento.

Organização internacional que trabalha por justiça social, igualdade de gênero e pelo fim da pobreza. Fomos fundados em 1972 e estamos presentes em 45 países, alcançando mais de 15 milhões de pessoas no mundo. No Brasil desde 1999, atuamos em mais de 2.4 mil comunidades e beneficiamos mais de 300 mil pessoas. Trabalhamos em parceria com comunidades e organizações locais em projetos de educação, agroecologia e clima, igualdade de gênero e participação e democracia.

La revista Advocatus pretende inscribirse en los formatos de revistas científicas en las áreas de las ciencias jurídicas, sociales y políticas, con los aportes de nuestros investigadores y investigadoras integrantes de los grupos de investigación de la facultad de derecho y también con el concurso de articulistas externos, esto último Para licitadores con los miembros de las comunidades científicas de juristas y estudiosos de las ciencias sociales y la filosofía.


Our vision is of a self-reliant society in which people have equitable access to resources and institutions are an expression of people’s needs and aspirations.

Our mission is to support civic agency through catalytic interventions aimed at achieving systemic change in good local governance and sustainable human settlement development.

The Alianza Territorial Mapuche (PuLofMapuXawvn ) is one of the grassroots organizations based in Gulu Mapu, the Chilean side of Wallmapu. The ATM’s core mission is the full defence of the Mapuche’s inherent rights, especially concerning the protection of their territory and natural environment. ATM is similar to an NGO in the sense that the organization is not registered under Chilean law. The ATM covers different territories of the Mapuche Nation and is involved in several communities that feel they represent the spirit of the organization.

The Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) is a non-governmental Indigenous Peoples organisation in Guyana. It is primarily an advocacy organisation that seeks to promote and defend the rights of the Indigenous Peoples of Guyana. 

Membership of the APA is made up of Units throughout the country, currently amounting to close to eighty such units. The Association is led by an Executive Committee comprising the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, thirteen regional representatives, a women’s representative and a youth representative. 

Anagrasar Samaj Unnyan Songstha (ASUS) was started on 1998 as a non profitable and non political voluntary organization to provide support to the Indigenous people of plain land in Bangladesh. It was established to promote rights of the Indigenous Community and their empowerment. It has strong experiences in group approach, community participation, training on different areas of development, mass awareness creation in the field of the land rights, child rights, labor rights, water & sanitation, health and hygiene, recovery of Indigenous culture.

Anuario Antropologico

Anuário Antropológico (Anuário Antropológico)

Anuário Antropológico é uma revista semestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade de Brasília (PPGAS/UnB). Publica artigos originais, ensaios bibliográficos, resenhas, críticas e outros textos de natureza acadêmica que apresentem pesquisas empíricas de qualidade, diálogos teóricos relevantes e perspectivas analíticas diversas. A Revista publica textos em português, inglês, espanhol ou francês.Os artigos selecionados pela comissão editorial são submetidos a pareceristas externos em regime de anonimato.

A Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil – APIB é uma instância de aglutinação e referência nacional do movimento indígena no Brasil, que nasceu com o propósito de:

– fortalecer a união dos povos indígenas, a articulação entre as diferentes regiões e organizações indígenas do país;
– unificar as lutas dos povos indígenas, a pauta de reivindicações e demandas e a política do movimento indígena;
– mobilizar os povos e organizações indígenas do país contra as ameaças e agressões aos direitos indígenas.

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