Agricultural Investment in the Mekong Region
This analysis examines agricultural investment in the Mekong region, focusing on Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, to promote Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI).
This analysis examines agricultural investment in the Mekong region, focusing on Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, to promote Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI).
With the aim of improving farmland use efficiency without damaging the social function of farmland, Chinese policymakers have proposed the ‘trifurcation of land rights’ reform. When it comes to realization of the law, however, neither the Ownership Model nor the Bundle of Sticks Model can adequately explain this reform.
En juillet 2017, le nouveau Premier ministre, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, tient un Conseil interministériel et procède au gel de plusieurs décisions concernant « l’affectation des réserves foncières destinées à la création de nouvelles exploitations agricoles et d’élevage » [1].
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the structure and changes of China’s land system. To achieve this aim, the paper is divided into four parts.
Ce numéro de « Regards sur le foncier » est composé d’une revue bibliographique et des communications écrites par des jeunes chercheurs. Ces textes sont issus des journées d’études de juillet 2018 organisées par le Comité technique « Foncier & développement » dans le cadre du chantier de réflexion collective « Systèmes agraires et accès des jeunes à la terre ».
Uganda has a complex land tenure system. Four tenure systems officially recognized by the 1995 Constitution coexist: freehold, Mailo, leasehold, and customary tenure. While undocumented customary tenure dominates in the country (UNPS 2013/2014 data estimates that 84% of parcels are held customarily), Mailo tenure is predominant in the central and parts of the western regions.
Orieta Belokon y Walter Mesa son colonos del INC en la Colonia San Javier. Ambos iniciaron siendo asalariados rurales. A la par empezaron a producir alquilando tierras.Luego gracias a su trabajo en la producción de leche accedieron a un crédito bancario para comprar sus tierras. Actualmente, además, alquilan una fracción al INC y continúan produciendo leche. Apuesta por su vida en el campo.
Issues surrounding labour tenancy in South Africa are controversial and complex. The issue is controversial in that that it currently reflects a struggle over access to land and tenure security that spans more than a century.
Issues surrounding labour tenancy in South Africa are controversial and complex. The issue is controversial in that that it currently reflects a struggle over access to land and tenure security that spans more than a century.
Con el avance de la urbanización en Lima, muchos parceleros optaron vender sus parcelas a las inmobiliarias.
The Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG), with support from the World Cocoa Foundation (WCF) the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), performed the Ghana Land Tenure Baseline Survey, the first of its kind survey of tenure rights among cocoa farmers in Ghana.