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Overview of the Croatian Land Administration System and the possibilities for its upgrade to 3D by existing data

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
December, 2017

This paper explores the laws and other legal acts related to the Croatian 3D cadastre with an emphasis on those which relate to interests in strata, spatial planning, and other regulations that are valid or were valid on Croatian territory. The effects of the application of these regulations on the present situation of registration in cadastre and land register were considered.

Ley Nº 30711 - Ley que establece medidas complementarias para la promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal.

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2017

La presente Ley establece medidas complementarias para la promoción del acceso a la propiedad formal y otorga nuevas facultades al Organismo de Formalización de la Propiedad Informal (COFOPRI), con la finalidad de permitir que la población de menores recursos económicos acceda a la formalización de sus predios, mediante mecanismos técnicos y legales de carácter simplificado y en menores plazos.

Loi n°2017-046 du 14 décembre 2017 fixant le régime juridique de l’immatriculation et de la propriété foncière titrée.

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2017

La présente loi détermine la gestion des propriétés titrées; les procédures d’immatriculation des immeubles; la procédure de reconstitution des documents fonciers notamment ceux perdus, inexploitables, détériorés, détruits ou déchirés; la procédure de régularisation des terrains à statuts obsolètes; les responsabilités relatives à l’exercice des fonctions des agents des services fonciers; les p

Land Registration (General) Regulations, 2017 (S.I. No. 278 of 2017).

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2017

These Regulations of the Cabinet Secretary implement provisions of the Land Registration Act in respect of the organization and administration of land registries, the procedures for the registration of land, and related matters. The land register referred to under section 7 of the Act shall contain (a) the property section; (b) the proprietorship section; and (c) the encumbrance section.

Resolución Nº 490-2017-MINAGRI ─ Lineamientos para la ejecución de procesos operativos de control de calidad en los expedientes de formalización de predios rústicos.

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2017

La presente Resolución aprueba los Lineamientos para la ejecución de procesos operativos de control de calidad en los expedientes de formalización de predios rústicos, cuya finalidad es facilitar el control de calidad del proceso de formalización de predios rústicos a cargo de los gobiernos regionales a fin de contribuir a la reducción de potenciales riesgos que pudieran afectar la seguridad ju

Methodical approaches to the development of land management projects for the establishment (change) of the boundaries of administrative and territorial units

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
November, 2017

Status of exacuted works for establishment
and change of administrative‐territorial borders of
formations in Ukraine is researched. Problems
connected with their delineation were analyzed as
well as methodical approachesto develop projects
for land management for establishment (change)
borders of administrative – territorial formations
were shown

Land Regulations, 2017 (S.I. No. 280 of 2017).

LandLibrary Resource
November, 2017

These Regulations implement provisions of the Land Act, 2012, with respect to a variety of matters including administration of public land and private land, conversion of freehold or leasehold tenure, compulsory acquisition, settlement programmes, easements and analogous rights, and evictions from unlawfully occupied public land.The National Land Commission shall keep and maintain a data base o

Community Land Regulations (LN No. 279 of 2018).

LandLibrary Resource
November, 2017

These Regulations of the Cabinet Secretary for Land and Physical Planning implement provisions of the Community Land Act, 2016 ("Act") with respect to, among other things, recognition, protection and registration of community land rights, community land management committees, registration of communities, conversion of community land, settlement of disputes relating to community land, conversion

Land Utilization (Amendment) Act, 2017 (No. 43 of 2017).

LandLibrary Resource
November, 2017

This Act amends the Land Utilization Act in section 2 in the definition of "Minister" and by insderting a definition of "Authority" (i.e. he Land Subdivision and Utilization Authority established under section 9). Section 9 is repealed and replaced. That section provides for membership of the Land Subdivision and Utilization Authority.