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Occupants’ Opinions On Housing Conditions: The Case Of Affordable Housing Schemes In Enugu, Nigeria Turning Into Slums

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022

Context and backgroundTypical of an urban character, constant population growth in Enugu necessitated the need to provide adequate housing to the teeming population. In addition to the housing provision, a decent mass housing project was developed through proper spatial planning.

Plataforma de luta pelo direito a cidade

LandLibrary Resource
Manuals & Guidelines
May, 2022
América do Sul

A Conferência Popular pelo Direito à Cidade é resultado deste novo momento das lutas urbanas. A adesão de mais de 600 movimentos populares, entidades, coletivos, grupos de direitos humanos e acadêmicos é prova de que algo novo está nascendo. Foram 230 eventos preparatórios em todo o país, reunindo milhares de pessoas.

Informal settlements and access to data in the time of COVID: a case for sharing data for decision making

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
October, 2020
Southern Africa

The spread of COVID-19 in South Africa and other countries in the region has again brought to the fore the fact that very dense, under-serviced, mostly informal, settlements are not healthy places to live. They are also places where the spread of a disease is difficult to prevent or manage.

A New Hypothesis on Informal Land Supply, Livelihood, and Urban Form in Sub-Saharan African Cities

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
October, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa

In sub-Saharan Africa, the urban majorities are financially excluded from the formal housing markets and reside in informal settlements. Limited knowledge on the development of informal settlements compromises the efficacy of urban planning and policies targeting such areas.

Natural Resource Conservation Based on Community Economic Empowerment: Perspectives on Watershed Management and Slum Settlements in Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
April, 2020

The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of slum development, community poverty, and community behavior on environmental degradation in the Tallo river basin in Makassar City and to analyze the effects of natural resource conservation, economic empowerment, community capacity building on the productivity of economic enterprises and ecosystem-based sustainability.

Land Rights for Slum Dwellers in Odisha: Making technology work for the urban poor

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
February, 2019

The webinar Land Rights for Slum Dwellers in the East Indian State Odisha: Making technology work for the urban poor took place on 14 February, 2018. 

The webinar discussed anecdotes of the land rights policy in the state, application of innovative technology, processes and partnerships in the project execution and best practices followed in gaining rights for slum dwellers. 

Metadata on SDG Indicator 11.1.1

LandLibrary Resource
Manuals & Guidelines
February, 2018

The housing sector including its institutions, laws and regulations, touches every single aspect of the economy of a country and has interface with practically every social development sector. People living in adequate homes have better health, higher chances to improve their human capital and seize the opportunities available in urban contexts.