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From theory to practice: what should we have in mind when building an effective and sustainable Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) scheme for silvopastoral systems? Evidence from Colombia

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2020

In most Latin American countries, payment for ecosystem services (PES) can be a useful strategy for restoration and conservation of the environment, increasing productivity and promoting sustainable development in rural areas. Despite these plausible benefits, PES implementation can be challenging due to the contextual framework in which it takes place (e.g.

Policy note on Kenya’s draft agriculture sector Gender Policy

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2020

The Agriculture Sector Gender Policy has been reviewed and revised through six key thematic areas – Gender and Social Inclusion (GeSI) and the five thematic areas in Agriculture that intersect with gender, namely, Agriculture Value Chain Development (AVCD); Food and Nutrition Security (FNS); Climate Change (CC); National and Devolved Governance; and the Strategic Analysis Knowledge Support Sy

Youth Economic Empowerment Through Agribusiness In Kenya (Vijabiz) - Synthesis of Activities and Outcomes

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2020

Ustadi and CTA have jointly implemented the project “Youth economic empowerment through agribusiness in Kenya (VijaBiz)” in the Nakuru and Kilifi counties in Kenya. The project aimed to create sustainable employment for rural youth through active engagement in agribusiness for wealth creation and poverty reduction.

Perceived social norms and agripreneurial intention among youths in eastern DRC

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2020

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a country with a high agricultural productivity potential; however, the agribusiness sector remains unattractive to youths. This study examined the extent to which perceived social norms and psychological capital affect youths’ intentions to pursue agribusiness opportunities in the Eastern DRC. Data was collected on a sample of 600 youths.

A new paradigm in the delivery of modernizing agricultural technologies across Africa

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2020

This Chapter describes the approach and impacts of the Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) Program. TAAT is an operational framework based upon collaboration between the African Development Bank, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, and many other partners. This

Jeunes pasteurs en ville – Perceptions, dispositifs et stratégies d’action publique au Burkina Faso

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
November, 2020
Sahara occidental
Burkina Faso

Dans le contexte sahélien, depuis la fin des années 2010 des discours normatifs sur la jeunesse et le pastoralisme se sont développés, trop souvent basés sur des catégories standards impropres à décrire les réalités locales et associées dans une chaine de causalité trompeuse: désœuvrement des jeunes, migrations, participation aux violences armées, conflits violents catégorisés de manière simpli

Youth and the Future of Community Forestry

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
October, 2020
United States of America

Forests managed by Indigenous and other local communities generate important benefits for livelihood, and contribute to regional and global biodiversity and carbon sequestration goals. Yet, challenges to community forestry remain. Rural out-migration, for one, can make it hard for communities to maintain broad and diverse memberships invested in local forest commons.

Bulletin Nyéléni N° 41

LandLibrary Resource
Institutional & promotional materials
August, 2020

La terre a toujours été un bien très contesté. Le contrôle des terres et des ressources liées reflète les relations de pouvoir d’une région, d’un pays et constitue un indicateur des injustices sociales existantes. En même temps, ces ressources sont centrales dans la question des droits, des moyens d’existence et de l’identité de petits producteurs alimentaires.

Using a Gender-Responsive Land Rights Framework to Assess Youth Land Rights in Rural Liberia

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
August, 2020
Costa Rica

This article summarizes the evidence on youth land rights in Liberia from a literature review combined with primary research from two separate studies: (1) A qualitative assessment conducted as formative research to inform the design of the Land Rights and Sustainable Development (LRSD) project for Landesa and its partners’ community level interventions; and (2) a quantitative baseline survey o