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CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022

GENDER puts equality at the forefront of global agricultural research for development, both within and beyond CGIAR, to kickstart a process of genuine change toward greater gender equality, improved opportunities for youth and social inclusion.
We envision greater social and gender equality driving food systems to become more productive, sustainable, resilient and

Challenges for private sector job matching in rural Egypt: Results from a survey of forsa employers

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022
United States of America

Increasing formal employment for youth and women is a key goal of the Forsa pilot graduation intervention and Egyptian government policy in general. As detailed in Forsa evaluation reports, matching Takaful beneficiaries with jobs in the private sector is a major challenge from the perspective of households.

Gender, Social Inequalities and Application of Climate Smart Agriculture Practices among Smallholder Farmers in Ghana

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022

Farmers in Ghana have suffered from the effects of climate change. These negative effects are more severe among women and youth farming groups. Research in Ghana has been focused on developing climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices to mitigate the negative effect of climate change on farmers productivity.

La sobriété : Valeur et levier d’action de la jeunesse face à une crise multidimensionnelle

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
June, 2022
Après un débat sur « La sobriété sous le regard de la jeunesse » le 7 juillet dernier, le Comité 21 publie une nouvelle note qui évoque le rôle des jeunes dans la transformation structurelle nécessaire pour répondre aux enjeux sociaux et environnementaux de la société.

Cette note fait suite à une première publication du Comité 21 qui définissait la sobriété comme fil vert de la transformat

2021 Annual Progress Report: Implementation of the Medium-Term National Development Agenda

LandLibrary Resource
January, 2022
The 2021 Annual Progress Report offers an in-depth review of Ghana's efforts in implementing the Medium-Term National Development Agenda, encapsulated under the title "An Agenda for Jobs: Creating Prosperity and Equal Opportunity for All (2018–2021)." The report assesses progress in various areas, including economic growth, social welfare, environmental sustainability, governance, public ac

LAND-at-scale Burkina Faso

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2021
Burkina Faso

This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Burkina Faso. This project is implemented by Nitidae, Observatoire National du Foncier Burkina Faso (ONF-BF), Oxfam Burkina Faso, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency. 

Youth Hold the Key.

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2021

The future belongs to youth. But in many parts of the world, young women and men lack the means and the opportunity to build livelihoods and fully participate in their communities. This is especially true in rural areas, where agriculture is the foundation of the economy, but land rights remain out of reach.

Discriminatory Cultural Practices On Youths And Women’S Access To Family Land Among The Ndali: Insights From Local Leaders In The Southern Highlands Zone In Tanzania

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2021
United States of America

This paper presents empirical evidences of cultural barriers to women and the youths in accessing family land among the Ndali tribe, drawing insights on the cultural practices and social norms. The evidence emanates from discussions with local leaders: members of Village Land Councils and members of the Village Councils from six villages namely Itumba, Isongole, Nyenzebwe, Mlale, Ilulu and Izub