L’outil Mobile Application to Secure Tenure (MAST) joue un rôle crucial dans le processus de sécurisation foncière au Burkina Faso. Ce système numérique permet une meilleure collaboration entre les acteurs impliqués et simplifie le processus de délimitation des terres.
Is Global Funding Reaching Indigenous, Afro-descendant, and Local Community Women?
In response to the dearth of data on funding for women and the need to support international advocacy promoting direct funding to IP, ADP, and LC women’s groups and organizations, the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) initiated a bottom-up research effort to build a baseline for measuring funding levels reaching community women on the ground and assess the extent to which existing grants an
State of Land Information in Ghana
Land information is critical for equitable land governance that benefits the most vulnerable and drives economic growth, sustainable development, and food security. However, land data and information sources remain highly fragmented, unstructured and do not present the full range of perspectives needed for decision making.
Land Portal Annual Report 2023
The Land Portal Foundation's 2023 Annual Report presents a comprehensive overview of our efforts and accomplishments in transforming land data governance worldwide.
Land Portal - Informe Anual 2023
El Informe Anual 2023 de la Fundación Land Portal -disponible en inglés- presenta una visión global de nuestros esfuerzos y logros en la transformación de la gobernanza de los datos sobre la tierra en todo el mundo.
Rapport annuel 2023 du Land Portal (anglais)
Le rapport annuel 2023 de la Fondation Land Portal (en anglais) présente une vue d'ensemble de nos efforts et réalisations pour transformer la gouvernance des données foncières dans le monde entier.
Relatório anual do Land Portal 2023
O Relatório Anual de 2023 da Fundação Land Portal apresenta uma visão geral abrangente de nossos esforços e realizações na transformação da governança de dados fundiários em todo o mundo.
Land Projects Database - dataset version from 26 March 2024
This is the dataset from 26.03.2024 of Land Portal's Projects Database - a dataset curated by the Land Portal's team. The dataset includes information about +3,800 development projects with objectives related to land governance.
State of Land Information in Sudan
After 30 years of an authoritarian regime, Sudan reached a power-sharing deal between the military and the civilians that brought a transitional government to power in 2019. Their agenda was to lead the country towards a democratic transformation for no more than three years.
State of Land Information in Liberia
Land rights are fundamental sources of tension in Liberia, so transparency about land information is both essential and highly politicized.
State of Land Information in Mozambique
In Mozambique, the law recognizes certain forms of occupation as constituting legal tenure and nationals can claim this recognition of their right to occupy and use land allocated through customary norms/practices. Local communities can also claim rights over land which they have customarily occupied, used, and managed.