Land degradation is a pressing concern that reaches
across all republics of Central Asia and is increasingly
affecting the economy and quality of life in each.
The resulting loss of arable land particularly affects
the rural poor, who depend directly on what
Policy recommendations on sustainable land management in Kyrgyzstan, including costs and benefits of alternative options. Conclusion: Summer pastures across the Kyrgyz Republic can provide greater economic and environmental benefits through improving pasture yields sustainably
Policy recommendations on sustainable land management in Turkmenistan, including the costs and beneifts of alternative options. Conclusiion: Rehabilitating pasturelands and undertaking sustainable land management in deserts across Turkmenistan brings both economic and environmental benefits
This report focuses on the analysis of livelihood type-specific behaviors regarding household
choices in land use and management practices. This is a contribution to the overarching
framework of “Integrated Systems Analysis and Modeling in Aral Sea Region” activity within
Acting President, with a view of setting up integral system of provision of agricultural sector with mineral fertilizers, chemical and biological plant protection means, improvement of agricultural servicing and protection of agricultural crops against pests and diseases, decrees to set up Joint…
Les terres arides couvrent près de la moitié de la surface terrestre et abritent un tiers de la population mondiale. Elles sont confrontées à des défis hors du commun, notamment ceux posés par la désertification, la perte de biodiversité, la pauvreté, l’insécurité alimentaire et les changements…
The Premier validates Environmental Monitoring Program for the period of 2016-2020 containing arrangements for monitoring of effluent waste water, control of water quality standards, pollution control, monitoring of sources of soil pollution and monitoring of air pollution.
Land degradation affects negatively the livelihoods and food security of
global population. There have been recurring efforts by the international community
to identify the global extent and severity of land degradation. Using the long-term
trend of biomass productivity as a…
Agricultural production systems are a vital lifeline of the rural farming community in Central Asia. However, shrinking natural resource base, increased land degradation and severe irrigation water scarcity render current crop production practices not sustainable as these perform below their…
Agriculture in Uzbekistan is almost entirely dependent on irrigation. However, despite reforms to institutional arrangements, much of Uzbekistan’s irrigation is reportedly caught in a vicious cycle of inadequate operation and maintenance, low cost recovery, and agricultural productivity that is…
Agriculture in Uzbekistan is almost entirely dependent on irrigation. However, despite reforms to institutional arrangements, much of Uzbekistan’s irrigation is reportedly caught in a vicious cycle of inadequate operation and maintenance, low cost recovery, and agricultural productivity that is…
Land degradation is a major challenge for agricultural and rural development
in Uzbekistan. Our research findings indicate that the costs of land
degradation in Uzbekistan are substantial; reaching about 0.85 billion USD annually
resulting from the loss of valuable land…