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  1. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2009
    Bangladesh, Switzerland, United States of America, China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Australia, Ethiopia, Niger, Uruguay, Thailand, Japan, Italy, Netherlands, Tunisia, India

    يشهد قطاع الثروة الحيوانية تحولاً سريعاً استجابة للتحولات التي تحدث في الاقتصاد العالمي وتغير توقعات المجتمع. فالمجتمع يتوقع من قطاع الثروة الحيوانية أن يوفر أغذية وأليافاً مأمونة ووفيرة لأعداد متزايدة من سكان الحضر، وأن يوفر سُبل العيش لأكثر من مليار شخص من المنتجين والتجار الفقراء، وكذلك السلع العامة العالمية المتعلقة بالأمن الغذائي، والاستدامة البيئية، والأمراض التي تحملها الحيوانات. ولكن سرعة وتيرة التغير أدت إلى نمو القطاع بطريقة غير متوازنة.

  2. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 1995
    India, Portugal, China

    Actualmente, casi 30 aos despus, la experiencia negativa de los gobiernos con la expropiacin de recursos de propiedad comn ha hecho que se vuelvan a examinar las posibilidades de una gestin colectiva, y ha permitido disponer de una creciente informacin sobre experimentos prcticos con respecto a la restauracin o al refuerzo de los sistemas de gestin de estos recursos. En este nmero de Unasylva se insiste en ambos aspectos en relacin a los recursos forestales.

  3. Library Resource
    Reports & Research
    December, 2006
    Timor-Leste, Fiji, Micronesia, China, Indonesia, Australia, Republic of Korea, Thailand, New Zealand, Nepal, Italy, Philippines, Marshall Islands, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Myanmar, Cambodia, Kiribati, India, Bhutan, Mongolia, Asia

    The initial Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study (APFSOS) drew together the myriad forestry dimensions to provide a coherent description and analysis of the situation and prospects for forestry in the region. The study resulted in 50 working papers on a variety of forestry themes. The formal aspects of the study culminated in a comprehensive main report, published in November 1998. APFSOS provided an important roadmap for forestry sector development in the Asia-Pacific region to 2010, which is still being used to guide policy makers in the region today.

  4. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 1995
    Portugal, China, India, Mali, Haiti, Italy

    Now, nearly 30 years after the publication of The tragedy of the commons, the negative experiences of governments with expropriation of common property resources have led to a reexamination of the potential of collective management; and there is a growing database of information on practical experiments with the restoration or strengthening of common property resource management systems. This issue of Unasylva focuses on both these aspects with respect to forest resources.

  5. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2008
    France, Nigeria, United States of America, Chile, Sweden, Germany, China, Indonesia, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, Finland, Thailand, Japan, South Africa, Malaysia, Italy, Tanzania, India, Russia, Mexico, Brazil

    The State of Food and Agriculture 2008 explores the implications of the rapid recent growth in production of biofuels based on agricultural commodities. The boom in liquid biofuels has been largely induced by policies in developed countries, based on their expected positive contributions to climate-change mitigation, energy security and agricultural development.

  6. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2009
    France, Switzerland, United States of America, Denmark, Australia, United Kingdom, Ghana, Ethiopia, Republic of Korea, Malawi, Thailand, Nigeria, Kenya, Japan, Malaysia, Madagascar, Italy, Ecuador, India, China, Brazil

    The livestock sector is transforming rapidly in response to shifts in the global economy and changing societal expectations. Society expects the livestock sector to provide safe and plentiful food and fibre for growing urban populations, livelihoods for more than a billion poor producers and traders as well as global public goods related to food security, environmental sustainability and animal-borne diseases. However, the rapid pace of change has led to unbalanced growth of the sector.

  7. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2008
    Bangladesh, Switzerland, United States of America, Philippines, Uganda, Mali, Chile, Germany, China, Italy, Indonesia, Australia, Netherlands, India, Brazil


  8. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2008
    Bangladesh, Switzerland, United States of America, Philippines, Uganda, Mali, Chile, Germany, China, Italy, Indonesia, Australia, Netherlands, India, Brazil

    В док ладе 2008 год а о Положении дел в области продовольствия и сельского хозяйства рассматриваются последствия недавнего стремительного роста производства биотоплива на основе сельскохозяйственной продукции. Бум в области жидкого биотоплива в значительной степени обусловлен политикой развитых стран, основанной на представлении о том, что биотопливо внесет позитивный вклад в смягчение последствий изменения климата, достижение энергетической безопасности и развитие сельского хозяйства.

  9. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2002
    Angola, Egypt, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Belgium, Mali, Burundi, Germany, China, Indonesia, Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Benin, Ethiopia, Niger, Eritrea, Mozambique, Turkey, Haiti, Italy, India, Brazil

    This report is a shorter version of World agriculture: towards 2015/2030, FAO's latest assessment of the long-term outlook for the world's food supplies, nutrition and agriculture. It summarizes the projections, distills the messages and presents them for the generalist. The projections cover supply and demand for the major agricultural commodities and sectors, including fisheries and forestry. This analysis forms the basis for a more detailed examination of other factors, such as nutrition and undernourishment, and the implications for international trade.

  10. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2011
    Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Switzerland, Kenya, Peru, Indonesia, Ghana, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Nepal, Philippines, Turkey, Japan, Italy, India, Sudan, Uganda

     この「世界食料農業白書2010-2011年報告」 は“農業における女性:開発に向けたジェン ダーギャップの解消”を主題としている。農 業部門は多くの開発途上国で伸び悩んでお り、その主な原因の1つは、女性たちが自ら の生産性を高めるために必要な資源と機会を 平等に手に入れることができないでいること にある。本報告は、ミレニアム開発目標のジェ ンダー平等(MDG 3)と貧困・食料安全保 障(MDG 1)は互いに補強し合うものであ ることをはっきりと確認している。われわれ はジェンダー平等を促進し、農業に携わる女 性たちが飢餓と極度の貧困に立ち向かう闘い に持続的に勝利するための能力を与えなけれ ばならない。私は、MDG 3を達成すること がMDG 1を達成する助けになりうると固く 信じている。

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