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  1. Library Resource
    Manuals & Guidelines
    December, 2016
    Africa, Eastern Africa, Ethiopia

    በግብርና ስራ ላይ የሚውል ኢንቨስትመንት በምግብ ራስን አለመቻልንና ድህነትን ለመቀነስ እጅጉን አስፈላጊ ነው፡፡ ከ2000 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ በታዳጊ አገሮች ውስጥ የእርሻ ቦታ ተፈላጊነት በከፍተኛ ደረጃ ጨምሯል፡፡ በዚህ አኳያ መሬት አጉዋጊ መስህብነት ያለው ቋሚ ንብረት ተደርጐ ይወሰዳል፡፡ በማህበራዊ ዘርፍ ረገድ በመሬት ላይ የሚደረጉ ኢንቨስትመንቶች ቅይጥ ውጤቶችን አምጥተዋል፡፡ እንደነዚህ ያሉ ኢንቨስትመንቶች የአንዱን አካባቢ ማህበረሰቦች ተጠቃሚ የማድረግ አቅም አላቸው፡፡ ይህም አነስተኛ አቅም ያላቸው ገበሬዎች የካፒታል፡ የቴክኖሎጂ፣ የእውቀትና የግብይት ቦታዎች አቅራቦት እንዲኖራቸው በማድረግ ነው፡፡ ከዚሁ ጐን ለጐን የላቀ ኢኮኖሚያዊ እምርታ እና የግብርና ምርታማነትን የመሳሰሉ ጠቀሜታዎችን ማግኘት ያስችላሉ፡፡ ቢሆንም እነዚህ ኘሮጅክቶች ብዙ ግዜ የአካባቢውን ነዋሪዎች መብቶቻቸውን እንዲያጡና መሬታቸውንና በመሰል የተፈጥሮ ሃብቶችም መ ጠቀም እ ንዳይችሉ በ ማድረግ ለ ተጐጂነት ይ ዳርጉዋቸዋል፡፡ እ ንደዚሁም በ ምግብ ዋስትናና በገጠር ነ

  2. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2001
    Tanzania, Kenya, Bolivia, Malawi, Brazil, Italy, Africa

    The purpose of this publication is to show how conservation agriculture can increase crop production while reducing erosion and reversing soil fertility decline, improving rural livelihoods and restoring the environment in developing countries. Soil organic matter and biological activity in the rooting zone, stimulated by continual additions of fresh organic material (crop residues and cover crops) are the basis of conservation agriculture, as described in the first chapter.

  3. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2002
    Laos, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Cambodia, India, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, China, Thailand, Asia

    A report of the proceedings of the October 2001 regional consultation on the above theme, the document explains the urgent need for arresting and reversing the decline in investment in land and water development in Asia-Pacific countries. Land and water investment priorities include coping with worsening land degradation, increasing productivity of the region’s large rainfed areas and modernising wasteful water delivery and irrigation systems.

  4. Library Resource
    Reports & Research
    December, 2010
    Antigua and Barbuda, France, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Belize, Jamaica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Venezuela, Guyana, Costa Rica, Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua, Spain, Grenada, Haiti, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, Netherlands, Saint Lucia, India, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Americas

    Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 17. Cet article identifie et analyse des questions relatives à la gouvernance des terres et apporte des exemples de bonne gouvernance de la sous-région des Caraïbes. Cette étude a été conduite en vue de l’initiative de la FAO sur les Directives Volontaires sur la gouvernance responsable de la tenure des terres et des autres ressources naturelles. Disponible en anglais

  5. Library Resource
    Reports & Research
    December, 2010
    Americas, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, India, Spain, France, Netherlands

    Land Tenure Working Paper 17. This publication identifies and assesses issues related to land governance and provides examples of good governance in the Caribbean subregion. This working paper was done in light of FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and other Natural Resources.

  6. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 1991
    France, Zambia, Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, Australia, Greece, Guinea, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Colombia, Panama, Kenya, Jordan, Philippines, Libya, Italy, Botswana, Netherlands, Argentina, Sudan, Europe, Asia, Africa, Northern America

    Extensive grazing is the predominant form of land use on at least a quarter of the world’s land surface, in which livestock are raised on food that comes mainly from rangelands. Extensive grazing differs from crop or forestry production, in which the produce remains in situ whilst growing. Evaluation for extensive grazing, unlike that for cropping or forestry, must take into account the production of both grazing forage, termed primary production, and the livestock that feed on this forage, termed secondary production.

  7. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2004
    United States of America, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Australia, United Kingdom, Ghana, Iceland, Gabon, Pakistan, Kenya, Japan, South Africa, Hungary, Italy, Tanzania, Suriname, Kuwait, Uganda, Brazil, Canada

    This publication explores various aspects of the interface between water rights and land tenure. It is intended to synthetize and assess current learning on this topic, to define salient issues and to propose fruitful approaches for further investigation.

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