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  1. Library Resource
    Final evaluation Maghreb
    Reports & Research
    July, 2020
    Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania

    The Maghreb's oases systems provide a major contribution to the region's food security, economy and natural resources. Despite this potential, oasis ecosystems are threatened by a range of complex factors related to the expansion of agricultural land and increasing scarcity of water resources. The project, implemented by FAO in Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania from May 2016 to December 2019, brought together key stakeholders to address the lack of available information on the status of oases and to advocate on factual bases shared by all stakeholders and verifiable in the field.

  2. Library Resource
    fao logo
    Journal Articles & Books
    January, 2002

    This article summarizes the nature of land-related conflicts in the Philippines within the context of the prevailing agrarian situation throughout the country. An analysis of the agrarian institutions and different types of development that have occurred in a number of regions provide a broad representation of the current situation.

  3. Library Resource
    spatial planning
    Manuals & Guidelines
    March, 2020

    This technical guide provides strategies on how to strengthen, protect and promote legitimate tenure rights in spatial planning processes at the local, regional and national levels. It addresses state authorities involved in spatial planning processes, national governments and local authorities, and those operating on behalf of the state or within customary governance systems.

  4. Library Resource
    valuing land tenure
    Manuals & Guidelines
    March, 2016

    This technical guide covers the issues associated with the identification and valuation of tenure rights for different purposes, and provides guidance on how to ensure that valuations are undertaken in a fair, reliable and transparent manner that comply with international norms. It explains why valuations are important, where and when they should be used, and by whom. The guide aims to raise the level of awareness of valuation issues and procedures among those involved in land policy and administration and those affected by land tenure decisions.

  5. Library Resource
    fao land tenure
    Manuals & Guidelines
    March, 2015

    This technical guide elaborates on specific aspects of the Voluntary Guidelines for the responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) relating to agricultural investments and provides detailed guidance to government authorities and others on actions they can take to help them to create an enabling environment for responsible and sustainable investments.

  6. Library Resource
    governing land

    A technical guide to support the achievement of responsible gender-equitable governance of land tenure

    Manuals & Guidelines
    January, 2013

    The guide focuses on equity and on how land tenure can be governed in ways that address the different needs and priorities of women and men. It moves away from long-standing debates about gender equality in access to land, towards the mainstreaming of gender issues to achieve more gender-equitable participation in the processes and institutions that underlie all decision-making about land.

  7. Library Resource
    Legal guide on land consolidation

    Based on regulatory practices in Europe

    Manuals & Guidelines
    Legislation & Policies
    February, 2020
    Central Asia, Europe

    Land consolidation is a highly effective land management instrument that allows for the improvement of the structure of agricultural holdings and farms in a country, which increases their economic and social efficiency and brings benefits both to right holders as well as to society in general. Since land consolidation gives mobility to land ownership and other land rights, it may also facilitate the allocation of new areas with specific purposes other than agriculture, such as for public infrastructure or nature protection and restoration.

  8. Library Resource
    Reports & Research
    November, 2019
    Sierra Leone

    This booklet presents both successes and challenges faced by the people of Sierra Leone, whose lives and livelihoods are dependent on their legitimate rights to own, farm, fish, build or develop an area of land or water. The Voluntary Guidelines have helped these communities to turn their challenges into achievements.

  9. Library Resource
    Manuals & Guidelines
    January, 2019

    This guide examines the role and responsibilities of private sector lawyers when advising their clients on agricultural investments. It discusses how lawyers can prevent and/or address and mitigate adverse human rights impacts on holders of legitimate tenure rights when advising on or conducting their due diligence and risk assessment processes on behalf of their clients. It provides a number of key recommendations, including on how to align legal advice with the VGGT and CFS-RAI.

  10. Library Resource
    Manuals & Guidelines
    December, 2016
    Africa, Eastern Africa, Ethiopia

    በግብርና ስራ ላይ የሚውል ኢንቨስትመንት በምግብ ራስን አለመቻልንና ድህነትን ለመቀነስ እጅጉን አስፈላጊ ነው፡፡ ከ2000 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ በታዳጊ አገሮች ውስጥ የእርሻ ቦታ ተፈላጊነት በከፍተኛ ደረጃ ጨምሯል፡፡ በዚህ አኳያ መሬት አጉዋጊ መስህብነት ያለው ቋሚ ንብረት ተደርጐ ይወሰዳል፡፡ በማህበራዊ ዘርፍ ረገድ በመሬት ላይ የሚደረጉ ኢንቨስትመንቶች ቅይጥ ውጤቶችን አምጥተዋል፡፡ እንደነዚህ ያሉ ኢንቨስትመንቶች የአንዱን አካባቢ ማህበረሰቦች ተጠቃሚ የማድረግ አቅም አላቸው፡፡ ይህም አነስተኛ አቅም ያላቸው ገበሬዎች የካፒታል፡ የቴክኖሎጂ፣ የእውቀትና የግብይት ቦታዎች አቅራቦት እንዲኖራቸው በማድረግ ነው፡፡ ከዚሁ ጐን ለጐን የላቀ ኢኮኖሚያዊ እምርታ እና የግብርና ምርታማነትን የመሳሰሉ ጠቀሜታዎችን ማግኘት ያስችላሉ፡፡ ቢሆንም እነዚህ ኘሮጅክቶች ብዙ ግዜ የአካባቢውን ነዋሪዎች መብቶቻቸውን እንዲያጡና መሬታቸውንና በመሰል የተፈጥሮ ሃብቶችም መ ጠቀም እ ንዳይችሉ በ ማድረግ ለ ተጐጂነት ይ ዳርጉዋቸዋል፡፡ እ ንደዚሁም በ ምግብ ዋስትናና በገጠር ነ

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