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  1. Library Resource
    Bolivia, Americas, South America

    El presente Decreto Supremo tiene por objeto implementar mecanismos de resguardo de las áreas productivas a fin de garantizar la seguridad alimentaria con soberanía. En este marco se definen las siguientes categorías de áreas: a) áreas productivas agropecuarias urbanas, que son espacios de uso agropecuario, piscícola o agroforestal de extensiones influenciables o colindantes con urbanizaciones; b) áreas rurales de vocación productiva, cuyas características, tengan continuidad superficial y preponderancia para la seguridad alimentaria.

  2. Library Resource
    Bolivia, Americas, South America

    La presente Ley tiene por finalidad precautelar el derecho propietario, el interés público, la soberanía y seguridad alimentaria, la capacidad de uso mayor y evitar los asentamientos irregulares de poblaciones. Para ello establecer el régimen jurisdiccional que permita al Estado resguardar, proteger y defender la propiedad privada individual y colectiva, la propiedad estatal y las tierras fiscales de los avasallamientos y el tráfico de tierras.

  3. Library Resource
    Reports & Research
    December, 2009

    ABSTRACTED FROM INTRODUCTION: Since đổi mới, Vietnam witnesses a rapid urbanization and industrialization, which leads to conversions of a large area of agricultural land and other types of land, and this has forced thousands of farmer households to change their traditional livelihoods and even their lives. Using the lens of a sustainable livelihoods framework, this study analyzes and explains the questions of how, in what ways and to what extent agricultural land conversions have been affecting farmer livelihoods in one peri-urban Hanoi village.

  4. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    April, 2015

    Esta publicação representa a continuidade do trabalho iniciado por Magda Zanoni, no Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), no sentido de discutir os riscos das plantas transgênicas para a saúde e o meio ambiente. Em sua atuação no MDA e como representante do Ministério na CTNBio, Magda dedicou esforços para chamar a atenção à importância desse debate.

  5. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    September, 2015

    Nas últimas duas décadas, a economia de Moçambique tem crescido a taxas relativamente elevadas, a uma média anual superior a 7%, quase duas vezes mais depressa do que a média para a África Sub-Sahariana, e continuou a crescer rapidamente mesmo com a crise económica internacional prolongada que tem afectado as economias mais desenvolvidas na última década. Além disso, tornou-se numa das três economias africanas que mais investimento directo estrangeiro (IDE) e empréstimos comerciais do sistema financeiro internacional recebe.

  6. Library Resource
    National Policies
    January, 2008
    Asia, Southern Asia, Bhutan

    The Royal government of Bhutan launched the Tenth Five Year Plan that outlines strategies from 2008-2013 to reduce poverty and to increase education initiatives.

  7. Library Resource
    Cover photo
    Journal Articles & Books
    January, 2014

    The concept in this paper builds upon basic principles of sustainability to address the problem of how a sustainable project must contribute to economic and social welfare without depleting natural resources, destroying the environment or harming human health.. With this understanding, a systems approach was used in a study that conceptualised a paradigm shift in project management system for sustainability incorporating Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Cause-effect Chain and the Socio-economic Resource models.

  8. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    August, 2016

    O ritmo migratório rural-urbano é frequentemente superior à taxa de crescimento natural dapopulação citadina, em resultado da procura de oportunidades de emprego por parte daspopulações rurais, o que reflecte (e cria novas) pressões sociais e económicas.Ao longo deste texto procura-se compreender os factores que levam as populações de origemrural a migrar para a cidade de Maputo, assim como compreender as dinâmicas de relacionamentodas mesmas, uma vez na cidade, com o seu universo de origem.

  9. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2009

    Đổi Mới, the name given to the economic reforms initiated in 1986 in Vietnam, has renewed the party-state’s ambitious scheme of industrialization and has intensified the process of urbanization in Vietnam. A large area of land has been converted for these purposes, with various effects on both the state and society. This article sheds light on how land conversion has resulted in farmers’ resistance and in what way and to what extent it has transformed their livelihoods in the transitional context of contemporary Vietnam.

  10. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2014

    A large number of mathematical models have been developed to support land resource allocation decisions and land management needs; however, few of them can address various uncertainties that exist in relation to many factors presented in such decisions (e.g., land resource availabilities, land demands, land-use patterns, and social demands, as well as ecological requirements). In this study, a multi-objective interval-stochastic land resource allocation model (MOISLAM) was developed for tackling uncertainty that presents as discrete intervals and/or probability distributions.

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