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  1. Library Resource
    Policy Papers & Briefs
    December, 2002
    South America, Brazil

    This report identifies the links among economic growth, poverty alleviation, and natural resource degradation in Brazil. It examines the effects of (1) a major devaluation of the Brazilian real (R$); (2) improvements of infrastructure in the Amazon to link it with the rest of Brazil and bordering countries; (3) modification of land tenure regimes in the Amazon agricultural frontier; (4) adoption of technological change in agriculture both inside and outside the Amazon; and (5) fiscal mechanisms to reduce deforestation." -- from Author's Abstract

  2. Library Resource
    Reports & Research
    January, 2002

    Despite the importance of tropical moist forests for conserving biodiversity and storing carbon, forests continue to fall, because the private benefits of clearing land for agriculture far outweigh tangible economic gains from retaining forests. This report measures the financial disparity between forested and cleared land for small-scale farmers in two settlements in the western Brazilian Amazon where pastures are expanding and forests receding.

  3. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2002
    Nepal, Kenya, Australia, China, Ecuador, Jamaica, Bolivia, Austria, Argentina, India

    Las declaraciones del Director General de la FAO y del Rey de Nepal, los resmenes de cuestiones y actividades relativas a las montaas en pases como Bolivia, Italia, Kirguistn y Per, e informacin sobre bosques de montaa, bosques de niebla tropicales y montaas sagradas completan el recorrido de Unasylva por las montaas.

  4. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2002

    L'Afrique contribue pour 7 pour cent seulement aux émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre. Soixante-dix pour cent des émissions du continent proviennent du changement d'usage des terres, essentiellement de la déforestation. Par contre, le continent africain est potentiellement le plus exposé aux conséquences négatives des changements climatiques.

  5. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2002

    The FAO Forestry Department promotes, among others, the responsible use of wood as an environmentally friendly raw material. In the last decades, wood and wood-based products have been faced with stronger competition from substitute materials, such as plastics, concrete, steel, glass or aluminium, as these materials appear to offer wider options to the customers. Some of the factors that can influence customers' decisions on what kind of end products to acquire include marketing efforts, product prices, quality, durability and image.

  6. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2002
    Finland, United States of America

    L'Evaluation des ressources forestires mondiales 2000 (ERF 2000) est prsent acheve, mais les travaux relatifs la suivante ont dj commenc. La consultation d'experts Evaluation des ressources forestires mondiales - harmoniser les efforts nationaux et internationaux, connue sous le nom de Kotka IV, a rassembl, en juillet 2002, des experts internationaux pour examiner les concepts et les stratgies futurs. Les articles de ce numro d'Unasylva ont t adapts pour un plus large public, partir de documents prpars pour la Consultation.

  7. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2002
    Nepal, Kenya, Ecuador, Mexico, Canada

    Une dclaration du Directeur gnral de la FAO et du Roi du Npal, un aperu de certains aspects des montagnes et des activits apparentes entreprises dans des pays comme la Bolivie, l'Italie, le Kirghizistan et le Prou, et des informations sur les forts montagnardes, les forts tropicales de brouillard et les montagnes sacres compltent cette incursion d'Unasylva dans les montagnes.

  8. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2002
    Switzerland, Chile, Peru, Australia, Jamaica, Bolivia, China, Iran, Russia, Ethiopia, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan, Italy, Tanzania, Ecuador, Argentina, India, United Kingdom, Mexico, Brazil

    Statements from FAO's Director-General and the King of Nepal, profiles of mountain issues and activities from countries such as Bolivia, Italy, Kyrgyzstan and Peru, and information on mountain forests, tropical cloud forests and sacred mountains complete Unasylva's foray into the mountains.

  9. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2002
    Indonesia, Finland, Armenia, United States of America

    La Evaluacin de los recursos forestales mundiales 2000 (ERF 2000) ha concluido, pero ya han empezado los trabajos para la prxima evaluacin mundial. La consulta de expertos sobre Evaluaciones de recursos forestales mundiales - Conjuncin de esfuerzos nacionales e internacionales, conocida como Kotka IV, reuni a expertos internacionales en julio de 2002 para considerar ideas y estrategias para el futuro. Los artculos de este nmero de Unasylva son adaptaciones para un pblico ms amplio de documentos preparados para la reunin.

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