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  1. Library Resource
    Institutional & promotional materials
    February, 2018

    Arborii amplasați corespunzător în jurul zonelor construite pot reduce necesarul de energie electrică pentru climatizare cu până la 30% în timpul verii și cu 20-50% în timpul ier nii.

  2. Library Resource
    Institutional & promotional materials
    March, 2018
    Bangladesh, Nigeria, Peru, Ghana, Ethiopia, Niger, Malawi, Honduras, Uganda, Tanzania, Ecuador, Cambodia, Paraguay, Burkina Faso, Iraq, Burundi, Nepal, Nicaragua, Tajikistan, Haiti, Mexico, Vietnam

    For rural women and men, land is often the most important household asset for supporting agricultural production and providing food security and nutrition. Evidence shows that secure land tenure is strongly associated with higher levels of investment and productivity in agriculture – and therefore with higher incomes and greater economic wellbeing. Secure land rights for women are often correlated with better outcomes for them and their families, including greater bargaining power at household and community levels, better child nutrition and lower levels of gender-based violence.

  3. Library Resource
    Institutional & promotional materials
    July, 2018
    Bahamas, Jamaica

    The Bahamas became an FAO member state in 1975. Cooperation has focused on strategic development and increased competitiveness of the country’s agriculture and fisheries sector, with FAO interventions comprising policy and legislative support, technical development projects and rehabilitation and emergency assistance. As a flat and small island developing state (SIDS), the Bahamas is very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, which makes resilience building an important element of cooperation today.

  4. Library Resource
    Institutional & promotional materials
    February, 2018

    Крошње великог дрвећа у урбаним срединама су одличан филтер за урбане загађиваче и фине честице. Једно дрво може годишње да упије и до 150 кг угљен-диоксида (CO2) из атмосфере, и тиме допринесе ублажавању последица климатских промена. Дрвеће пружа станиште, храну и заштиту биљкама и животињама, повећавајући биодиверзитет у урбаним срединама. Cадња дрвећа данас је од великог значаја за будуће генерације!

  5. Library Resource
    Institutional & promotional materials
    February, 2018

    Krošnje velikih stabala su prirodan filter za lebdeće čestice i štetne plinove u zraku. Jedno stablo iz atmosfere godišnje uklanja 150 kg CO2 i time doprinosi ublažavanju klimatskih promjena. Drveće pruža stanište, hranu i zaštitu ostalim biljkama i životinjama te time povećava bioraznolikost u urbanim sredinama. Sadnjom stabala danas utječemo na kvalitetu života budućih generacija!

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