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Showing items 118 through 126 of 73559.This country profile has been compiled as part of a series of country factsheets particularly prepared for Dutch embassies that are developing a strategic analysis on food security and water. The factsheets present the relevant policy and institutional contexts with respect to land governance for
This country profile has been compiled as part of a series of country factsheets particularly prepared for Dutch embassies that are developing a strategic analysis on food security and water. The factsheets present the relevant policy and institutional contexts with respect to land governance for
The 2008 report by ActionAid suggests that, since women and girls are overrepresented among poor and excluded people, the food crisis is having a particularly harsh impact on them. According to the FAO, even before the current crisis women made up 60% of the chronica
This country profile has been compiled as part of a series of country factsheets particularly prepared for Dutch embassi
Este boletín es una iniciativa del Cepes, que reúne y reflexiona sobre temas de actualidad que tienen un impacto en el derecho a la tierra rural, y otros recursos indisolublemente vinculados a ella como el agua o los bosques.
The original French version of this article was prepared at the request of the Nature & Progress (Nature & Progrès) journal and published in November 2011 (No 85) issue in the section Resources : the plundering (Ressources: la spoliation).
[adapted from UNDP] May, 2008- This UNDP discussion paper ‘Pro-Poor Land Tenure Reform and Democratic Governance’ provides a review of how different types of land tenure reform relate to decentralization and local governance, in theory and in practice. The discussion suggests th
Many countries in Latin America have passed legislation that supports value capture policies as a way to recoup some or all the unearned increase in private land values resulting from public regulations or investments.
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