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Showing items 2341 through 2349 of 73845.El presente Decreto modifica el que crea el bono de titulación emitido por el Estado, destinado a legalizar los predios de los beneficiarios del bono de vivienda, respecto a la redefinición del ámbito de aplicación del bono de titulación.
El presente Acuerdo expide el reglamento para otorgar el bono de titulación, destinado a financiar la formalización y perfeccionamiento de las escrituras de traspaso de dominio del inmueble a favor del beneficiario del bono de titulación.
These Regulations amend the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1999.
The present Ordinance implements article 3 and 7 of the Lower Saxony Soil Protection Law of 19 February 1999. In particular, the first Part of the Ordinance deals with provisions relating to the acknowledgement and duties of experts for soil protection.
This Regulation provides for the establishment of Land Committee A and Land Committee B in order to implement services related to the application for the recognition of the right to land.The Regulation defines the internal organization of the committees and provides for their functions and powers
These Regulations introduce a trial programme for mediation in disputes that have been made subject to decisions of Land Consolidation Courts in accordance with sections 88 and 88a of the Land Consolidation Act.Land Consolidation Judges may apply a mediation procedure after having heard the opini
This Order amends Parts 1 and 21 of Schedule 1 to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 in relation to the installation, alteration or replacement of a satellite antenna on a dwellinghouse or within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse.
These Rules of the High Court of the Marshall Islands concern submittal to the Traditional Rights Court of an application to decide on complaints regarding traditional rights and the proceedings of hearings before the Court.
These Regulations amend the Leases Restrictions Regulations 1977 by inserting new provisions concerning criteria to be applied by the Tribunal in a decision on any application for approval of a lease, sublease, assignment of lease or assignment of sublease to a non-resident.
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