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Showing items 1 through 9 of 378.
  1. Library Resource
    Institutional & promotional materials
    December, 2018
    Algeria, Philippines, South Africa, Japan, Chile, Peru, Italy, Ecuador, China, Tunisia, Argentina

    For centuries, farmers, herders, fishers and foresters have developed diverse and locally adapted agricultural systems managed with time tested, ingenious techniques. These practices have resulted in a vital combination of social, cultural, ecological and economic services to humankind. “Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems” (GIAHS) are outstanding landscapes of aesthetic beauty that combine agricultural biodiversity, resilient ecosystems and a valuable cultural heritage.

  2. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2016
    Bosnia and Herzegovina, Philippines, Tajikistan, Germany, Bolivia, India

    This working paper provides an overview of the historic development and current status of implementation of land evaluation and land use planning concepts and tools for land resources/landscape management and proposes a way forward. The increasing and juxtaposed challenges of population growth and increasing demands on limited resources by diverse actors, land degradation, biodiversity loss and climate change, require a rational utilization of resources to sustain and enhance productivity and m aintain resilient ecosystems.

  3. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    June, 2018
    Burkina Faso, Samoa, Namibia, Indonesia, Brazil, Ethiopia, Panama

    Pedoman ini adalah instrumen global, komprehensif pertama tentang tenurial dan pengelolaannya yang disusun melalui proses negosiasi antar pemerintah. Pedoman ini menguraikan tentang prinsip dan standar praktik bertanggung jawab mengenai pemanfaatan dan penguasaan tanah, perikanan dan hutan yang diterima secara internasional.

  4. Library Resource
    Institutional & promotional materials
    December, 2015
    Gambia, Vietnam, Chile, China, Ghana, Tunisia, Costa Rica, Georgia, Uruguay

    Los bosques y los árboles respaldan la agricultura sostenible. Estabilizan los suelos y el clima, regulan los flujos de agua, ofrecen sombra y refugio y proporcionan un hábitat a los polinizadores y los depredadores naturales de plagas agrícolas. Asimismo, contribuyen a la seguridad alimentaria de cientos de millones de personas, para quienes constituyen fuentes importantes de alimentos, energía e ingresos.

  5. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    July, 2018
    Malawi, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Guatemala, Brazil, United States of America, Cambodia, Myanmar, India, Nepal, Sweden, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland

    Putting the voluntary guidelines on tenure into practice: a learning guide for civil society organizations is a learning guide which has been designed specifically to give civil society and grassroots organizations a deeper understanding of the VGGT. It provides civil society organizations with a methodology and a set of materials to undertake training on the VGGT with civil society actors from the grassroots to the national level. Trainees will learn how to apply the VGGT to actual tenure gover nance.

  6. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2015
    Gambia, Vietnam, Chile, Ghana, Tunisia, Costa Rica, Georgia

    森林和树木为农业可持续发展提供支持。森林和树木固定土壤、稳定气候,调解水流,提供荫蔽和居所,为传粉昆虫和动物以及农业有害生物天敌提供栖息地。森林和树木还为亿万民众的粮食安全做出贡献,为其提供食物、能源和收入。然而,农业依然是全球毁林的主要驱动因素;同时,农业、林业和土地政策往往存在分歧。</p><p> 《世界森林状况2016》发现,在提升农业生产力和粮食安全的同时,我们可以做到遏制甚至扭转毁林趋势,其中特别突出介绍了哥斯达黎加、智利、冈比亚、格鲁吉亚、加纳、突尼斯和越南的情况。土地利用综合规划是平衡各项土地用途的关键,同时以正确的政策手段为基础,促进可持续森林和农业发展。

  7. Library Resource
    Training Resources & Tools
    Policy Papers & Briefs
    November, 2011
    India, Colombia, South America, South-Eastern Asia

    Climate change is increasingly being recognised as a global crisis, but responses to it have so far been overly focused on scientific and economic solutions. How then do we move towards morepeople-centred, gender-aware climate change policies and processes? How do we respond to the different needs and concerns of women and men, and also challenge the gender inequalities that mean women are more likely to lose out than men in the face of climate change? This In Brief sets out why it is vital to address the gender dimensions of climate change.

  8. Library Resource
    January, 2012
    Indonesia, India, Brazil

    This paper examines how developing countries have attempted to promote rural development through biofuel production, what social outcomes those strategies have created and what lessons can be learned. This is done by comparing the contexts of Brazil, India and Indonesia; three countries with important agricultural sectors that have put large-scale biofuel programmes in place. The analysis indicates a disparity between the social discourse and the adopted biofuel policy instruments.

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