Global related Event | Land Portal
Displaying 61 - 72 of 578
1 November 2023 to 3 November 2023


Pune, Maharashtra

The India Land and Development Conference (ILDC) is an annual destination of diverse land actors and enthusiasts from the Global South. Since its inception in 2017, ILDC has brought together over 2500 participants from more than 70 countries, engaging in vital discussions on crucial land-related issues. This unique collective-led international conference has been a catalyst for partnerships, collaborative research, and action, contributing significantly to building a symbiotic land ecosystem in India.


Flame University
Responsible Scaling of Fit for purpose land administration
28 September 2023

Junte-se a nós em um webinário instigante que explora os desafios e as direções futuras para ampliar a Administração de Terras Adequada ao seu Propósito (FFPLA - sigla em inglês) com base em experiências locais. As abordagens de FFPLA são amplamente reconhecidas e elogiadas por serem mais econômicas, rápidas e flexíveis (em termos de identificação espacial) do que os métodos convencionais de administração de terras.

Land Portal Foundation
Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency
28 September 2023

Rejoignez-nous pour un webinaire stimulant qui explore les défis et les orientations futures pour étendre l'administration foncière adaptée ("Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration", FFPLA) sur la base d'expériences sur le terrain. Les approches FFPLA sont largement reconnues et applaudies pour être plus abordables, plus rapides et plus flexibles (en termes d'identification spatiale) que les méthodes conventionnelles d'administration foncière.  

Land Portal Foundation
Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency
Fit for purpose land administration
28 September 2023

Join us for a thought-provoking webinar that explores the challenges and future directions to scale Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration (FFPLA) based on on-the-ground experiences. FFPLA approaches are broadly recognized and applauded for being more affordable, faster and flexible (in terms of spatial identification) than conventional land administration methods.  

Land Portal Foundation
Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency
Kadaster International
sistemas alimentarios
20 July 2023


  1. Por qué es importante asegurar los derechos a la tierra para construir sistemas alimentarios sostenibles y resilientes, y qué reformas son necesarias en el contexto del Momento de Balance de los Sistemas Alimentarios de la ONU;
  2. Cómo los miembros de la ILC y las plataformas en Perú, Sudáfrica y Filipinas han ayudado a unir a los actores de la sociedad civil asegurando las necesidades de las personas que viven en y de la tierra al tener espacio para sus voces, y por qué sus historias de éxito son importantes;
  3. Cómo los aportes de los actores de la sociedad civil se han traducido en medidas políticas a través de colaboraciones con los gobiernos a nivel nacional y local.
International Land Coalition
18 July 2023 to 25 July 2023

NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) has opened a new open, online webinar series: Monitoring Water Quality of Inland Lakes using Remote Sensing. This advanced-level training will focus on using remote sensing observations from Landsat 8 and 9, Sentinel-2, and Sentinel-3 for assessing water quality parameters, including chlorophyll-a concentration, turbidity, and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in inland lakes. This training will also highlight the importance of in situ measurements of these parameters, coincident with satellite observations, in developing methodologies for operational water quality monitoring.

6 June 2023

The aim of this event is increasing public understanding of the links between climate change, disasters, and land tenure rights, and bringing land tenure issues in the climate change discourse, listening particularly to the voices of civil society and youth. The discussion is also expected to bring forth some ideas for action both for the new GFAR Collective Action on land tenure and climate change, and for policy makers.    

The Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation
Asian NGO Coalition (ANGOC)
Land Portal Foundation
Young Professionals for Agricultural Development
6 July 2023 to 13 July 2023

NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) has opened a new open, online webinar series: Assessing the Impacts of Fires on Watershed Health. This advanced-level, three-part training will focus on using remote sensing observations for monitoring post-fire impacts on watershed health. Specifically, this training will highlight uses of NASA Earth observations (EO) for pre-fire land cover mapping, watershed delineation and stream mapping, post-fire burn severity mapping, and pre- and post-fire riverine and freshwater water quality.

4 September 2023 to 5 September 2023


Santarém , Pará
Pará BR

The symposium "Amazon 2030- Sustainability Issues in the World´s Largest Rainforests Region" is being organised by the Inter-University Sustainable Development Programme (IUSDRP), the International Climate Change Information and Research Programme (ICCIRP), Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) and the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), in collaboration with various organisations.

Land Governance Summer School
3 July 2023 to 7 July 2023


Azim Premji University Campus Bangalore
Southern Asia

To equip development practitioners with better and nuanced understanding of land and development connections, Azim Premji University, Bengaluru and the Centre for Land Governance, Bhubaneswar are organising a five-day residential workshop from 3 July–7 July 2023. 

Azim Premji University
25 May 2023

Après deux semaines de négociations tendues, la récente conférence des Nations unies sur la biodiversité (COP15) s'est achevée sur un accord historique destiné à guider l'action mondiale en faveur de la nature jusqu'en 2030. Le cadre mondial pour la biodiversité (CMB) de Kunming-Montréal comprend des mesures concrètes pour stopper et inverser la perte de la nature, notamment en plaçant 30 % de la planète et 30 % des écosystèmes dégradés sous protection d'ici à 2030.

Land Portal Foundation
Ford Foundation
Thomson Reuters Foundation
The Tenure Facility
25 May 2023

After two weeks of tense talks, the recent UN Biodiversity Conference COP15 ended with a landmark agreement to guide global action on nature through to 2030. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), includes concrete measures to halt and reverse nature loss, including putting 30% of the planet and 30% of degraded ecosystems under protection by 2030. 

Land Portal Foundation
Ford Foundation
Thomson Reuters Foundation
The Tenure Facility