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The GATC's mission is to be a single voice to fight for the collective rights of our peoples and communities, for the legal recognition of our territories, for protecting Mother Earth and all human beings, and to combat the causes of climate change. In parallel, we increase the capacities of our member organizations to better protect our territories and ensure the full exercise of our cultures and livelihoods.

Foto: Peer Review

Peer Review (Peer Review)

A Peer Review (PRW) é um periódico mutidisciplinar. Isto é, avalia e publica trabalhos de todas as áreas do conhecimento..

FLAME has changed the way our students learn by going beyond the classroom and into the real world, providing them with an educational experience where they can choose their own unique career paths. Rooted in the Indian tradition and rising as a pioneer of Liberal Education in India, we create thinkers and doers who question the status-quo and challenge themselves. We aim to construct knowledge ecologies that liberate students' minds from traditional thinking, allow them to reach their full potential, and lead them on a path of self-discovery.

El Observatorio Ciudadano es una organización no gubernamental sin fines de lucro dedicada a la defensa, promoción y documentación de derechos humanos. Fue creado en septiembre de 2004, en la ciudad de Temuco, Chile, como Observatorio de Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, por un grupo de ciudadanos de distintos lugares del país, diversas profesiones y procedencia étnica.

journal des africanistes

Le Journal de la Société des africanistes, devenu Journal des africanistes en 1976, est publié régulièrement depuis 1931, au rythme habituel de deux fascicules par an. On y trouve des articles de spécialistes (ethnologues, archéologues, préhistoriens, linguistes, etc.), des dossiers thématiques, des comptes rendus d’ouvrages et diverses informations scientifiques. Le Journal des africanistes constitue, de ce fait, un instrument de référence précieux pour les chercheurs et les documentalistes.

Revue soutenue par l’Institut des sciences humaines et sociales du CNRS.


A política de cooperação para o desenvolvimento portuguesa, que constitui um dos pilares da política externa, tem como objetivo fundamental a erradicação da pobreza extrema e o desenvolvimento sustentável dos países parceiros devendo ser entendida como um investimento e não como uma despesa, como desenvolvimento e não como assistencialismo. Baseia-se num modelo de gestão descentralizado e é enquadrada pelo Conceito Estratégico da Cooperação Portuguesa, 2014-2020.

The University of Silesia in Katowice is an autonomous state-run university in Silesia Province, Katowice, Poland. The university offers higher education and research facilities.

The University of Cape Town is a public research university in Cape Town, South Africa. Established in 1829 as the South African College, it was granted full university status in 1918, making it the oldest university in South Africa and the oldest university in Sub-Saharan Africa in continuous operation.

The University of Johannesburg is a public university located in Johannesburg, South Africa. The University of Johannesburg came into existence on 1 January 2005 as the result of a merger between the Rand Afrikaans University, the Technikon Witwatersrand and the Soweto and East Rand campuses of Vista University.

Le FGDH a pour but, d’une part, d’œuvrer pour la prise en compte de l’équité sociale et l’efficacité environnementale dans les politiques, législations et pratiques de gestion des ressources naturelles, en particulier, et du développement en général ; d’autre part, de contribuer à la promotion et protection des droits humains.

De façon spécifique, assurer :

•        l’accessibilité aux connaissances existantes

•        la réalisation des études et des analyses

La revista Advocatus pretende inscribirse en los formatos de revistas científicas en las áreas de las ciencias jurídicas, sociales y políticas, con los aportes de nuestros investigadores y investigadoras integrantes de los grupos de investigación de la facultad de derecho y también con el concurso de articulistas externos, esto último Para licitadores con los miembros de las comunidades científicas de juristas y estudiosos de las ciencias sociales y la filosofía.

Disruption Network Lab

Examining the intersection of politics, technology, and society, Disruption Network Lab exposes the misconduct and wrongdoing of the powerful.