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land cover mapping

Land cover mapping is a semantic segmentation problem: each pixel in an aerial or satellite image must be classified into one of several land cover classes. These classes describe the surface of the earth and are typically broad categories such as “forest” or “field”. High-resolution land cover data (≤1m / pixel) is essential in many sustainability-related applications. Its uses include informing agricultural best management practices, monitoring forest change over time and measuring urban sprawl. However, land cover maps quickly fall out of date and must be updated as construction, erosion, and other processes act on the landscape.



Large Scale High-Resolution Land Cover Mapping with Multi-Resolution Data
Caleb Robinson, Le Hou, Kolya Malkin, Rachel Soobitsky, Jacob Czawlytko, Bistra Dilkina, Nebojsa Jojic
The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019

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Land Monitoring Service

Copernicus is the European Union's Earth observation programme. Information from this programme is provided through six thematic services: land, marine, atmosphere, climate change, emergency management and security. All information is free and openly accessible to all users.

Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development logo

The Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) is an intergovernmental organization and currently has 20 Contracting Member States in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region. Their mission is to strengthen the member States and our stakeholders’ capacity through Generation, Application and Dissemination of Geo-information and Allied Technologies for sustainable development.


To facilitate efficient land administration and management, acess to adequate and affordable housing, social and physical infrastructure for national development


To be a globally competitive organization in sustainable management of Land and built environment