tenure security related Unknown content type | Land Portal

tenure security

land tenure security
secure land tenure
security of tenure (land)
sécurité de tenure (foncière)
Segurança da posse (de terra)
reconocimiento de la posesión (de la tierra)

Security of tenure is the guarantee of continued occupancy or use rights whether by virtue of formal rights, customary rules or other forms of assurance.

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The Rainforest Foundation UK (RFUK) is a non-profit NGO working in Africa and South America. It is one of the first international organizations to support the indigenous peoples of the world's rainforests in their efforts to protect their environment and fulfill their rights to land, life and livelihood. The Foundation aims to protect rainforests by securing the land rights of indigenous peoples and other forest-dependent communities. It also campaigns internationally on issues such as industrial logging, climate change, agricultural expansion and nature conservation.

Suyo is a public benefit corporation that unlocks the transformational impact of secure property rights by making it easier and more affordable for low-income families to formalize their property. Empowered with formal recognition of their property rights, low-income families have access to numerous benefits that help lift them out of poverty, such as credit, home ownership security and the ability to transfer rights.

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Quel est le rôle du Comité National du Code Rural ? Comment est-il structuré ?

Le Comité National du Code Rural (CNCR) est chargé de l’élaboration, de la vulgarisation et du suivi de l’application des principes d’orientation du Code Rural.

Le Comité National du Code Rural est structuré en organes :

  • Un bureau exécutif du Comité,
  • Un secrétariat permanent national,
  • Un comité consultatif

The International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) is an autonomous and self-organised global platform of small-scale food producers and rural workers organizations and grass root/community based social movements to advance the Food Sovereignty agenda at  the global and regional level.

More than 6000 organizations and 300 millions of small-scale food producers self organize themselves through the IPC, sharing the Food Sovereignty principles as outlined in the  Nyeleni 2007 Declaration* (paragraph) + 6 pillars of the synthesis report.

The Interlaken Group is an informal network of individual leaders from influential companies, investors, CSOs, government and international organizations. The purpose of the Group is to expand and leverage private sector action to secure community land rights. Together they develop, adopt and disseminate new tools and advance new “pre-competitive” mechanisms to accelerate private sector learning on responsible land rights practices.

People Centered Conservation


To become an organization that shaped Mongolia in a positive way.


PCC is a Mongolian NGO established in 2006, which aims to promote the protection of natural resources through support to the activities of local residents and civil society, with a strong commitment to addressing issues for gender equality and vulnerable groups.


The Land Claims Court of South Africa logo

The Land Claims Court was established in 1996.The Land Claims Court specialises in dealing with disputes that arise out of laws that underpin South Africa's land reform initiative. These include the Restitution of Land Rights Act, 1994, the Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act, 1996 and the Extension of Security of Tenure Act, 1997. The Land Claims Court has the same status as any High Court. Any appeal against a decision of the Land Claims Court lies with the Supreme Court of Appeal, and if appropriate, to the Constitutional Court.


SERI is a public interest legal services organisation that provides pro-bono assistance to communities through research, advocacy and litigation across three main themes: ‘Securing a Home’, ‘Making a Living’ and ‘Expanding Political Space’.

A Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil – APIB é uma instância de aglutinação e referência nacional do movimento indígena no Brasil, que nasceu com o propósito de:

– fortalecer a união dos povos indígenas, a articulação entre as diferentes regiões e organizações indígenas do país;
– unificar as lutas dos povos indígenas, a pauta de reivindicações e demandas e a política do movimento indígena;
– mobilizar os povos e organizações indígenas do país contra as ameaças e agressões aos direitos indígenas.

A CMP é fruto de um processo histórico de resistência e dos movimentos sociais populares, em especial das lutas sociais dos anos 1980. Foi fundada no I Congresso Nacional de Movimentos Populares, realizado de 28 a 31 de outubro de 1993, realizado em Belo Horizonte-MG.