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Community Organizations Global Land Tool Network
Global Land Tool Network
Global Land Tool Network

Focal point


UN Gigiri Complex, New Office Facility, Block 3, South Wing, Level 3

The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is an alliance of global regional and national partners contributing to poverty alleviation through land reform, improved land management and security of tenure particularly through the development and dissemination of pro-poor and gender-sensitive land tools.

Secure land tenure and property rights are fundamental to shelter and livelihoods as well as the realisation of human rights, poverty reduction,economic prosperity and sustainable development.

The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) main objective therefore is to contribute to poverty alleviation and the Millennium Development Goals through land reform, improved land management and security of tenure.

UN-Habitat through GLTN continues to work towards this with partners who include international civil society organizations, international finance institutions, international research and training institutions, donors and professional bodies.

Most developing countries use conventional land administration systems which cover less than 30 per cent of the country, leaving up to 70 per cent of citizens looking to informal and/ or customary approaches for their tenure security.

While there are many examples of good land policies, there are few policies that have been fully implemented due to lack of pro-poor, gendersensitive and largescale land tools. Further, conventional land titling approaches have largely failed to deliver their expected results since existing technical solutions are too expensive, inappropriate for the range of tenure found in developing countries, unsustainable financially or in terms of available capacity, and instead a range of land tenure options is more appropriate.


Core Values

Consequently, GLTN's core values and principles are founded in the development of land tools that are:

  1. Pro poor;
  2. Equitable;
  3. Sustainable;
  4. Affordable;
  5. Systematically large scale /scalable; and,
  6. Gender-sensitive, while taking into consideration:
  7. Good governance;
  8. Subsidiarity; and,
  9. The Continuum of Land Rights.


GLTN Objectives and Mandate

GLTN has developed a global partnership on land issues pulling together global partners, as well as many individual members. These partners include international networks of civil society, International Finance Institutions, international research and training institutions, donors and professional bodies. It continues to take a more holistic approach to land issues by working towards the following objectives:

  • The establishment of a continuum of land rights, rather than just focus on individual land titling
  • Improving and developing pro-poor land management, as well as land tenure tools
  • Unblocking existing initiatives Assisting in strengthening existing land networks
  • Supporting in the development of gendered land tools which are affordable and useful to grassroots
  • Improving the general dissemination of knowledge about how to improve security of tenure
  • Improving the general knowledge dissemination on the improvement of security of tenure


Robert Lewis-Lettingtington
Clinton Omusula
Jean du Plessis
Ombretta Tempra


Displaying 281 - 285 of 288

LAND-at-scale Uganda - Scaling up community-based land registration and land use planning on customary land

Uganda wants to transform from a predominantly low-income agricultural economy to a modern and prosperous country in 2040. Land is widely recognized as a pivotal element of Uganda’s economic and social transformation, as evidenced by the government ambition to improve tenure security, and systematically title all land by 2040. For this purpose, a modern legal framework for land governance has been created. Until now, implementation of the existing law and policy to improve tenure security of customary land in a way that is accessible at a low cost, context sensitive and flexible is limited. Meanwhile, the urgency is growing as Uganda’s population is increasing rapidly, creating increasing pressure on land and an associated increasing number of land related disputes. Also, productivity of land in Uganda is lagging and land use needs to become more climate change resilient.

Therefore, the project aims to contribute to the development of a structured and scalable approach towards improved tenure security and sustainable land use for men, women and youth on customary land, which is obtained using fit-for-purpose and participatory tools and approaches.

The specific objectives are:

1. Improved tenure security for men, women and youth.
2. Inclusive, climate smart and sustainable land use planning.
3. Improved capacities and awareness of key land stakeholders on customary land registration and land use planning.

LAND-at-scale Knowledge Management for Equitable and Sustainable Land Governance: Supporting the LAND-at-scale


Knowledge management (KM) and learning are at the heart of the LAND-at-scale programme. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) in partnership with a broad scala of knowledge partners including LANDac, Royal Tropical Intitute (KIT), the International Land Coalition (ILC), Land Portal and many more will collaborate to implement the knowledge management (KM) component of the program. 

Through LAND-at-scale's country-projects, the aim is to achieve just, inclusive and sustainable land governance at scale and in a sustainable way. With an integrated KM-strategy, LAND-at-scale aims to achieve maximum impact of each project, as well as contribute to gaining a deeper understanding of the conditions required to create structural change. Exchanges across partners is a core element of the strategy, but also linking them to academic partners to fill in knowledge gaps and uncover more along the way. 

Check the publications below to see all the insights so far, and want to get in contact? Email us via

To follow our most recent work, make sure to follow us on LinkedIn: LAND-at-scale programme: Posts | LinkedIn or subscribe to our quarterly LAND-at-scale newsletter 

LAND-at-scale Knowledge Management for Equitable and Sustainable Land Governance: Supporting the LAND-at-scale


Knowledge management (KM) and learning are at the heart of the LAND-at-scale programme. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) in partnership with a broad scala of knowledge partners including LANDac, Royal Tropical Intitute (KIT), the International Land Coalition (ILC), Land Portal and many more will collaborate to implement the knowledge management (KM) component of the program. 

Through LAND-at-scale's country-projects, the aim is to achieve just, inclusive and sustainable land governance at scale and in a sustainable way. With an integrated KM-strategy, LAND-at-scale aims to achieve maximum impact of each project, as well as contribute to gaining a deeper understanding of the conditions required to create structural change. Exchanges across partners is a core element of the strategy, but also linking them to academic partners to fill in knowledge gaps and uncover more along the way. 

Check the publications below to see all the insights so far, and want to get in contact? Email us via

To follow our most recent work, make sure to follow us on LinkedIn: LAND-at-scale programme: Posts | LinkedIn or subscribe to our quarterly LAND-at-scale newsletter 

Support to the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN)


Support to the five year Strategic Plan of the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) with the aim to support capacity of GLTN partners to help carry out land specific 'roadmaps' to stimulate land governance as described in the CFS Voluntary Guidelines; to encourage that Dutch GLTN partners are involved in the development of modern and low-cost instruments for better land governance; to underline the importance of the CFS Voluntary Guidelines and its adoption through a multi-stakeholder network like GLTN.