Discriminatory Family Code - Inheritance Rights of Women | Land Portal

This indicator was a sub-component of the Discriminatory Family Code Index in the Gender Institutions and Development Database in the 2009 edition. It ranges from 0 (same inheritance rights to both Women and men) to 1 (The law does not guarantee the same inheritance rights to widows and widowers, or widows have no inheritance rights at all). In the 2012 edition of the same database made by OECD, this index was splitted into two separated sub-component:

1) Discriminatory Familiy Code - Inheritance Rights of Widows

2) Discriminatory Familiy Code - Inheritance Rights of Daughters

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This indicator was a sub-component of the Discriminatory Family Code Index in the Gender Institutions and Development Database in the 2009 edition.

Measurement unit: 
Index (0; 1)
Social Institutions and Gender Index Database
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Indicator details

Measurement unit: 
Index (0; 1)
Best value is: 

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