Community / Land projects / HO-LW&PPVC-R2F Learning Land
HO-LW&PPVC-R2F Learning Land
04/17 - 03/18
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Under the #Land Learning series#, a knowledge initiative developed by the Global Land Program, an exchange visit for Oxfam Country team and their partner representatives is organized on 4-8 March 2018 in Vietnam. The purpose of this #land learning journey# is to provide an opportunity for exchange and collective learning around the topic of protection of community land rights, land conflicts <(>&<)> land conflict resolution, engagement with private sector for responsible investments, and community land forestmanagement. Participants in the learning journey include Oxfam and partners representatives from Africa, Asia and Latin America (Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, Zambia, Cambodia, Myanmar, India, Indonesia, and Peru). The event is hosted and facilitatedby Oxfam in Vietnam, with the contribution of partners in the country. With a combination of exchanges, training, field exposure, and interactive public event,this learning journey represents a great opportunity to advance the collective reflection on practical modalities to achieve pro-poor inclusive land governance.