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The blue carbon market in Vietnam: Future development, potential and challenges

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

This report was prepared in response to a request from the Vietnamese government, notably that of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Its aim is to provide information on the carbon market in general, but also specifically as it relates to forestry, with a focus on blue carbon.

Review of Nationally Determined Contributions (NCD) of China from the perspective of food systems

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

China is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG) and one of the countries most affected by climate change. China's food systems are a major contributor to climate change: in 2018, China's food systems emitted 1.09 billion tons of carbondioxide equivalent (CO2eq) GHGs, accounting for 8.2% of total national GHG emissions and 2% of global emissions.

From climate risk to resilience: Unpacking the economic impacts of climate change in Kenya

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

Substantial model variability exists regarding the likely meteorological impact of climate change on Kenya, particularly with respect to future precipitation levels. Significant regional differences are expected, largely due to Kenya’s diverse climate profile. Overall, temperatures are projected to increase while future precipitation levels are highly uncertain.

Intensive and extensive rice farm adaptations in salinity-prone areas of the Mekong Delta

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

Sea-level rise and resulting salinity inundation are making many coastal areas increasingly unfavorable for rice production. This paper examines intensive and extensive adaptations to rice production in salinity-prone areas of the Mekong River Delta (MKD) of Vietnam using a two-year panel dataset of 788 rice-growing households.

Adopting the Local Knowledge of Coastal Communities for Climate Change Adaptation: A Case Study From Bangladesh

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Março, 2022

Bangladesh has a unique coastal system with both proximity of climatic vulnerability and opportunity, having rich coastal resources. The upkeep of people's livelihoods in the coastal zone largely depends on the degree to which key stakeholders at all levels of decision-making can participate in climate adaptation planning and implementation processes.

Survey and genetic diversity of wild Brassica oleracea L. germplasm on the Atlantic coast of France

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2019

Field survey of Brassica oleracea growing in the wild in northwestern French coastal areas and AFLP analysis of their genetic diversity and population structure. This study offered the highest level of detail ever presented about the distribution of wild B. oleracea populations along the French Atlantic coast. Populations analysed showed a low level of genetic differentiation.

The Nile Delta’s water and salt balances and implications for management

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2018

The Nile Delta and its 2.27 million ha of irrigated land makes up two thirds of Egypt’s agricultural land. It is also the terminal part of a river basin that spans and feeds 11 countries. Increases in dam and irrigation development in upstream parts of the basin is poised to conflict with agricultural expansion and population growth in Egypt.

Integrated coastal management law: Establishing and strengthening national legal frameworks for integrated coastal management

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Julho, 2018
United States of America
South Africa
New Zealand
Costa Rica

This publication is intended to assist anyone involved in the development or implementation of a legal or institutional framework to promote integrated coastal management (ICM).

The gender gap between water management and water users: evidence from Southwest Bangladesh

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2017

Water management in Bangladesh is guided by an intended integrated and inclusive approach enshrined in government legislation since the late 1990s. Based on qualitative and quantitative data collected in the coastal zone, we assess the implementation of these policies with regard to women water uses.