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Diamonds in the Delta

LandLibrary Resource
Institutional & promotional materials
Novembro, 2021

Diamonds in the Delta (DiD) is an international research-action network of scholars, water professionals and civil society advocates who are concerned about how climate change compounds problems of flooding and subsidence in delta cities.

Quantitative analysis of the impacts of climate and land-cover changes on urban flood runoffs: a case of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2021

Over the past half-century, the risk of urban flooding in Dar es Salaam has increased due to changes in land cover coupled with climatic changes. This paper aimed to quantify the impacts of climate and land-cover changes on the magnitudes and frequencies of flood runoffs in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Role of Women in Maintaining Suburban Agricultural Land in Togo (West Africa)

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2021

The preservation of suburban agricultural land in the face of rapid urbanization in the West African region has been a major problem in recent decades. This paper examines the land tenure strategies used by farmers in relation to their assessments of the impact of urban growth.

Estrategia Nacional de Ordenamiento Territorial

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Março, 2021
Latin America and the Caribbean

México ha transitado por un proceso de cambios territoriales importantes en las últimas décadas; sin embargo, las políticas de vivienda de los últimos años, las modificaciones constitucionales sobre la propiedad agraria y la falta de una aplicación rigurosa de los instrumentos de planeación y de Ordenamiento Territorial (OT), entre otros factores, aceleraron la expansión urbana sobre áreas agrí

Modeling urban development and its exposure to river flood risk in Southeast Asia

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Março, 2021

Countries in Southeast Asia have been developing quickly from a predominantly rural to predominantly urban society, leading to a rapid increase in urban land. This increase in urban land has mainly occurred in river deltas and floodplains, exposing humans and human assets to flood hazard.

Seizing the Urban Opportunity. How national governments can recover from COVID-19, secure shared prosperity, and tackle the climate crisis through cities.

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Março, 2021
África do Sul
África austral

Today, the Coalition for Urban Transitions releases a new report ‘Seizing the Urban Opportunity’, which provides insights from six emerging economies on how national governments can recover from COVID-19, tackle the climate crisis and secure shared prosperity through cities.

Population Trends and Urbanisation in Mountain Ranges of the World

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Março, 2021
United States of America

This study assesses the global mountain population, population change over the 1975–2015 time-range, and urbanisation for 2015. The work uses the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) definition of mountain areas combined with that of mountain range outlines generated by the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA).

Research on the Distribution and Scale Evolution of Suzhou Gardens under the Urbanization Process from the Tang to the Qing Dynasty

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Março, 2021
United States of America

Suzhou city was the cultural centre of ancient south China. It continues the urban pattern of more than 800 years ago. Suzhou gardens are the essence of Chinese gardening art, as well as the valuable world cultural heritage site.