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Pathways towards sustainable land systems

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2024
South-Eastern Asia

The Mekong Region has experienced rapid agrarian change over the past two decades, driven by public sector policies promoting agricultural commercialisation to alleviate rural poverty, provide income opportunities, and modernize agricultural production systems. This transition has radically altered rural landscapes across the region, including Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.

L’Algérie agricole et rurale 60 ans après : de la décolonisation au modèle concessionnaire

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2024

Après un rappel de l’héritage colonial et une critique du mythe de la prospérité coloniale, l’étude évoque les principales transformations opérées au cours des premières décennies (1960-1970) sous l’effet des politiques de réformes agraires (autogestion et révolution agraire), ainsi que les raisons qui sont au fondement des options libérales qui ont été retenues lors des décennies qui ont suivi

Diagnóstico de normas de género en la agricultura familiar y campesina

LandLibrary Resource
Manuals & Guidelines
Março, 2024
América Latina y el Caribe

El estudio pretende comprender las normas sociales relacionadas con el género que afectan a las mujeres en la agricultura familiar y campesina en términos de sus capacidades productivas, acceso a servicios y mercados, y toma de decisiones.El estudio se llevó a cabo en el marco del Programa conjunto sobre enfoques de género transformadores para lograr la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición, en

Two crops are better than one for nutritional and economic outcomes of Zambian smallholder farms, but require more labour

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2023

Sustainable intensification practices suitable for smallholders in southern Africa will be needed to counteract the impact of future climate change and soil fertility decline in the region. Diversification of maize-based farming systems with grain legumes could play a key role.

Comparing investments in the Lao Tea Sector: Concessions, contracts, and outcomes for smallholder farmers

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2022

Most tea in Laos is produced by smallholder farmers, who benefit from highly suitable growing conditions and strong demand for sought-after varieties from the vast Chinese market. However, the sector faces many challenges to achieve its full potential.

Characterizing the diversity of farming systems at the municipal level in Nepal through a quantitative typology

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

The Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems (SIMFS) is a CGIAR initiative. This initiative ‘aims to provide equitable, transformative pathways for improved livelihoods of actors in mixed farming systems through sustainable intensification within target agroecological and socioeconomic settings.

The Agroecology Transition: Different pathways to a single destination - Eight country experiences

LandLibrary Resource
Dezembro, 2022

Agroecology is a transdisciplinary, participatory, and action-oriented approach for co-designing options that enhance food system resilience, equity, and sustainability. Working in eight countries of the Global South, the CGIAR Initiative on Agroecology seeks effective ways to put this approach into practice.