The irrigation process is old and its dynamic has moved towards the promotion of small village irrigated areas where the involvement of producer’s production is more important. The establishment of business management and supervision entities has been a success. But their sustainable operation…
Located in the Guéra region in central Chad, the Mongo Sub-Prefecture is the scene of recurring conflicts related to the occupation and exploitation of the land. While the phenomenon is neither new nor specific to this part of the country, the scale it has taken in recent years makes it a…
The global agricultural sector today faces the double challenge of feeding a growing population while preserving the underlying natural resources of land, water and air. In the meantime, already a third of the world’s soils are degraded. Soil and nutrient management techniques aimed at restoring…
Sustainable Development Goal 1, ending poverty in all its forms, everywhere, is the most ambitious goal set by the 2030 Agenda. This Goal includes eradicating extreme poverty in the next 12 years, which will require more focused actions in addition to broad-based interventions. The question is:…
The two waves of refugees from the Central African Republic has provoked one of the most severe humanitarian crises in Central Africa and in the South of Chad. The different camps around the city of Goré host a population of more than 90 000 individuals of which 35% are refugees, 21% are…
Pastoral livestock production is crucial to the livelihoods and the economy of Africa’s semiarid regions. It developed 7,000 years ago in response to long-tern climate change. It spread throughout Northern Africa as an adaptation to the rapidly changing and increasingly unpredictable arid…
This river basin overview describes the state of the water resources and water use, as well as the state of agricultural water management in the Aral Sea basin. The aim of this report is to describe the particularities of this transboundary river basin and the problems met in the development of…
Report, prepared by FAO and the OECD with inputs from IFPRI, IFAD, the World Bank and WTO, submitted to the G20 Presidency of the Republic of Argentina in response to the Presidency’s request for information on future trends and challenges faced by global agriculture, with a special focus on the…
Report of the 24th Session of the Committee on Forestry
This brochure highlights the objectives and key information of the FAO project entitled “One million cisterns for the Sahel”. It aims to illustrate the project activities’ expected positive impacts in terms of food security, agricultural activities and nutrition among beneficiairies. The…
The humanitarian crisis in the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) is among the most severe in the world, with more than 10 million people in urgent need of life-saving assistance and protection. As the crisis enters its ninth year, attacks by non-state armed groups remain frequent, and the violent conflict…
El presente estudio sobre las causas directas y subyacentes de deforestación y degradación de los bosques en Guinea Ecuatorial se ha realizado en el marco del proceso de desarrollo de la Estrategia Nacional REDD+ (EN-REDD+) y del Plan Nacional de Inversión REDD (PNI-REDD+). La EN-REDD+ y el PNI-…