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  1. Library Resource
    Artigos e Livros
    Dezembro, 2007

    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the nature and scope of the linkages between the resource environments, livelihoods and food security of households and individuals. These are analyzed using the livelihood systems framework with the biophysical environment as the entry point. The biophysical and socio-economic environments are investigated as the conditioning and influencing factors that help define the relationships along the production-consumption continuum. The context is spatial, in this case that of fragile areas, where most of the poor and food insecure live and work.

  2. Library Resource
    Artigos e Livros
    Dezembro, 2006

    The original entry point for this study was how to optimize long-term rotation strategies for addressing the problem of soil fertility decline in Wenchi, Ghana. However, as the study progressed over time, it was realized that what we initially interpreted as soil fertility management strategies were closely intertwined with wider issues such as cropping systems, livelihood aspirations and land tenure relations.

  3. Library Resource
    Artigos e Livros
    Dezembro, 2003

    Being one of the oldest civilisations in the world, Ethiopia has an agricultural tradition that is over 2,500 years old. However the land has brought into cultivation at different times in history. Generally the Northern part of the country has experienced intensive agriculture for a long time, whereas the southwestern highlands, which show relatively less soil degradation were brought into agriculture in the last couple of centuries.

  4. Library Resource
    Artigos e Livros
    Dezembro, 2006

    About 88% of the population is concentrated in the highlands, which constitute less than half of the national territory; here the population density is 141 persons km-2. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood and national income in the country. Over 85% of the population directly depends on it and about half of the GDP is generated from the sector. However, agriculture is small-scale and subsistence oriented, and it is in a very low state of development.

  5. Library Resource
    Artigos e Livros
    Dezembro, 2010

    Deforestation and forest degradation account for up to 20% of the total annual anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, current approaches to address climate change include strategies to reduce deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD). Even though REDD is still under discussion within the UNFCCC framework, many REDD pilot projects are being implemented across the tropics.

  6. Library Resource
    Artigos e Livros
    Dezembro, 2010

    Land degradation is a major problem in almost all the countries. In most of the developing countries, population pressure and small farm sizes, land tenure insecurity, land redistribution, limited access to credits and limited education are the factors leading to unsustainable land management. In Ethiopia, among many factors, tenure insecurity is considered as a main problem for land degradation. The frequent land redistribution and the changing pattern of land ownership with the change in Government made the farmers insecure of their land resulting in not making land related investments.

  7. Library Resource
    Artigos e Livros
    Dezembro, 2006

    Empirical investigation of the impact of institutional and socioeconomic factors on agricultural productivity and natural resource conditions is important for an informed evaluation of current policies, and to identify areas for future improvements. In this line, the current study addresses three topics of relevance to the process of agricultural intensification and natural resource management in the context of the less-favoured Highlands of Tigray, Ethiopia.

  8. Library Resource
    Relatórios e Pesquisa
    Dezembro, 2015

    Doel van dit project is om aan de hand van twee pilots te bepalen wat de mogelijke economische en ecologische meerwaarde is van natuur-inclusieve oplossingen voor waterveiligheidsopgaven uit het Deltaprogramma en wat de meerwaarde van de TEEB-aanpak is in het planvormings- en besluitvormingsproces over deze maatregelen. Dit rapport handelt over de pilot “hoogwatergeul Varik-Heesselt”. De pilot was gericht op toepassing en evaluatie van de TEEB-methode. Het project is in nauw contact met de projectleider van de provincie Gelderland van het lopende planproces uitgevoerd.

  9. Library Resource
    Relatórios e Pesquisa
    Dezembro, 2014

    Nederland staat de komende jaren voor forse opgaven op het gebied van waterveiligheid, zoetwatervoorziening, waterkwaliteit en natuur. Daarbij is het belangrijk bij deze investeringen ambities te laten ‘meekoppelen’ om zo meer maatschappelijk rendement te halen. In opdracht van het ministerie van Economische Zaken heeft Alterra een onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de succesfactoren en belemmeringen van het mee-koppelen van water- en natuuropgaven.

  10. Library Resource
    Relatórios e Pesquisa
    Dezembro, 2019

    Natural areas are essential for species conservation and outdoor recreation. Where conservation and recreational values are under threat, site managers need to take measures to protect them. Scientific knowledge and tools might help them to predict the outcomes of planned measures and create support amongst stakeholders. To be accepted by all stakeholders the knowledge and tools must possess three attributes credibility, salience and legitimacy.

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