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Community Organizations Global Witness
Global Witness
Global Witness
Non-profit organization


Lloyds Chambers 1 Portsoken Street London, E1 8BT
United Kingdom

Global Witness exposes the hidden links between demand for natural resources, corruption, armed conflict and environmental destruction


Many of the world’s worst environmental and human rights abuses are driven by the exploitation of natural resources and corruption in the global political and economic system.  Global Witness is campaigning to end this. We carry out hard-hitting investigations, expose these abuses, and campaign for change.  We are independent, not-for-profit, and work with partners around the world in our fight for justice.


We want a better world -- where corruption is challenged and accountability prevails, all can thrive within the planet’s boundaries, and governments act in the public interest.

For two decades we’ve been campaigning for full transparency in the mining, logging, oil and gas sectors, so that citizens who own those resources can benefit fairly from them, now and in future.

We believe that the only way to protect peoples’ rights to land, livelihoods and a fair share of their national wealth is to demand total transparency in the resources sector, sustainable and equitable resources management, and stopping the international financial system from propping up resource-related corruption.



Displaying 1 - 5 of 45

The true price of palm oil

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2021
Papua New Guinea

The climate crisis is no longer projection, but reality. Forests play a key role in regulating the global climate and are critical to preventing runaway global heating. They are also a treasure trove of biological diversity, and home to many indigenous peoples and forest communities. Yet forests continue to be burned and destroyed at an alarming rate. The primary driver of deforestation is agribusiness, with palm oil a chief culprit.

Defending Tomorrow: The climate crisis and threats against land and environmental defenders

Junho, 2020

Aminata K Fabba is the Chairlady of the Malen Land Owners Association;(MALOA) and a frontline grassroots land rights defender in the southern provincial district of Pujehun. Describes her criticism of an unfair land agreement with SOCFIN details of which were not fully explained to the landholding families.


Reports & Research
Junho, 2020

Nuestro informe anual sobre asesinatos de personas defensoras de la tierra y el medio ambiente de 2019, muestra el número más alto de muertes en un solo año hasta la fecha. 212 personas defensoras de la tierra y el medio ambiente fueron asesinadas en 2019, un promedio de más de cuatro personas por semana.

Enemigos del Estado

Reports & Research
Junho, 2019

Más de tres personas fueron asesinadas cada semana durante 2018, e innumerables más fueron criminalizadas por defender su territorio y nuestro medio ambiente.