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Dados - Statistical Data Q48F - Rich person pay bribe to register land not theirs -- Not at all likely (%)

Q48F - Rich person pay bribe to register land not theirs -- Not at all likely (%)

Q48F - Rich person pay bribe to register land not theirs -- Not at all likely (%)

This indicator from round 7 of the Afrobarometer shows the share of respondents, in a given country, that responded "Not at all likely" to the following question:

Rich person pay bribe to register land not theirs (Q48f) -- And in this country, how likely do you think it is that a rich person could pay a bribe or use personal connections to get away with: Registering land that does not belong to them? (Not at all likely; Not very likely; Somewhat likely; Very likely; Refused; Don’t know)

For more information on the Afrobarometer, please visit:

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