Community / Land projects / Capacity building of the Serbian Republic Geodetic Authority - Capacity building of the Serbian Geodetic Autho
Capacity building of the Serbian Republic Geodetic Authority - Capacity building of the Serbian Geodetic Autho

12/18 - 04/23
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Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
Swedish Lantmäteriet and the Republic Geodetic Authority of Serbia have applied to Sida for funding of 20 195 400 SEK to carry out "Improvement of Investment Environment" project in Serbia during the period 2018-2020. The intervention aims to establish a National Register of Investment Maps (NRIM) for creation, maintenance and monitoring of investment locations for the territory of the Republic of Serbia with a platform for stakeholder communication and decision making. Lantmäteriet will implement the intervention together with the Republic Geodetic Authority of Serbia. The intervention’s total budget is 20 195 400 SEK and it shall be completely funded from Sida contribution. Project is expected to ensure and utilize a full potential of geospatial data in managing an effective policy of development and operation in the public institutions of the Republic of Serbia through the support of the Republic Geodetic Authority of Serbia.
The intervention aims to support the Republic Geodetic Authority of Serbia (RGA) to establish well functioning National Register of Investment Maps (NRIM). The key objective of the contribution is establishment NRIM for creation, maintenance and monitoring of investment locations for the territory of Republic of Serbia with a platform for stakeholder communication and decision making. Towards the end of the implementation period, the project is expected to achieve the following results: - Establishment of the National Investment Map Model - A system for collecting data on investment locations on a local level is created - Built capacities of local self-governments for attracting investments by presenting available resources to potential investors and land management - Establishment of direct and transparent channel of communication between investors and a local government „Location pool” as a part of NRIM. - Public monitoring & visibility tool for National Register of Investment Maps The proposal focuses on Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) as potential game-changing for development as it allows governments to integrate planning, investments, taxation, disaster risk management and climate change monitoring, mitigation and adaptation in new ways with great savings in time and funds, while improving overall service and governance. With constant technological improvements, society is able to actively use government’s data on daily base as well as to participate in the collecting new or maintaining existing data, which are at most importance for decision making on the governmental, regional and/or local level.