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Meta-Analysis of Socio-Economic Impacts of Land Fragmentation in Ethiopia

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
декабря, 2023

This study focuses on land fragmentation in Ethiopia, exploring its impact on agricultural productivity and rural development. It proposes strategies for addressing fragmentation through land consolidation. The study employs a robust methodology, including data collection and analysis of  data, along with a meta-analysis of existing reports and studies on land fragmentation.

The Second-Level Land Certification in Ethiopia

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
декабря, 2023

This report provides an overview of land administration and certification efforts in Ethiopia, focusing on the Second-Level Land Certification (SLLC) program. As the most populous landlocked country in the world, Ethiopia's economy heavily relies on agriculture, making land tenure security and sustainable management crucial for livelihoods and food security.

Qualitative Impact Assessment - Responsible Land Policy

LandLibrary Resource
Institutional & promotional materials
апреля, 2023

The Global Programme Responsible Land Policy (GPRLP), launched in November 2015, is based on the assumption that secure land rights can

➊ improve food security and foster investment,
➋ lead to sustainable land use,
➌ reduce conflicts and
➍ improve women’s access to land as well as that of marginalized groups.

Good Practice

LandLibrary Resource
Institutional & promotional materials
июля, 2022


The Global Programme 'Responsible Land Policy' (GPRLP) is part of the Special Initiative 'One World, No Hunger' of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which aims to reduce extreme poverty and hunger.

Censo Nacional Agropecuario 2018

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Institutional & promotional materials
марта, 2021

En noviembre de 2019, el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INDEC) inició la difusión de resultados del decimotercer Censo Nacional Agropecuario (CNA-18) de la República Argentina. A partir de entonces, en poco menos de un año y en un contexto atravesado por la emergencia sanitaria, se presentaron los resultados preliminares de agricultura y ganadería.

Land Matters II

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
марта, 2021

Improvement of Land Governance in Uganda (ILGU) is a project implemented by the German International Cooperation (GIZ), seeking to increase productivity of small-scale farmers on private Mailo land in Central Uganda, co-financed by the European Union and German Government through the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

A Preliminary Study on The Formation of Land Legislation and Cadastre System in Sarawak, Malaysia

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
апреля, 2019

Recent decades have witnessed a perceptible impact of land policy and cadastre on the urbanisation around the globe. Land legislation and cadastre system are the tools and mechanisms in order to achieve the objectives of land policy in delivering sustainable development.

Historical Evolution of Land Administration in Bangladesh

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
ноября, 2018

Land is the main historical basis of Bangladesh. Bangladesh has been attracted lots of races and nations from various continents at different times because of its resourceful land and administered by them one by one. The land system (administration, revenue, ownership, survey etc.) has also been changed with the change of such administration.

Mutations du système agraire dans le Département de la Nya, région du Logone Oriental au Sud du Tchad

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
сентября, 2017

La région du Logone Oriental est une zone pétrolifère à vocation
agricole. Plus de 80 % de la population vit des activités agropastorales. Dans
les années 2000, la croissance de la population et la mise en place des
infrastructures pétrolières a conduit à une restriction des terres agricoles. Dans le

Cadastral Land Survey (Registration of Memorandum of Survey and Survey Report in Rodrigues) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 (GN No. 46 of 2015).

LandLibrary Resource
мая, 2016
Eastern Africa

These Regulations amend the Cadastral Land Survey (Registration of Memorandum of Survey and Survey Report in Rodrigues) Regulations 2013 in regulation 3 with respect of ptrcedures for the registration and approval of a Memorandum of Survey and Survey Report. The Departmental Head shall endorse every memorandum or report of survey.